Monday, December 27, 2010

1984 Quiz

I'm wondering if we are using a reading log for the quiz or if we can just mark up our book?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Our Controversial Issue Projects.

It's been a rough break.
It's even rougher with all of this college english work.
Is anyone else having trouble with this project?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oh No!!!

Oops!! I totally forgot to post about Orwell's view on society! Life has been a bit hectic around here. Anyway, Orwell has a very negative view on society. In many different ways Orwell makes reference to the fact that he thinks humans are dumb and follow other people instead of making their own decisions. He also seems to be afraid of a government takeover or increase in power. Orwell might believe that language is the key to society. It seems like a lot of the issues in Oceania are caused by a lack of language and ways to explain certain ideas like rebellion or strong emotions like love. Orwell seems very bitter and a bit paranoid about many different things!

In other news...

HEY!!  Mrs. Stariha!  I wasn't able to grab my Whitman essay "grade".  Do you think you could e-mail the grade/letter to me (if you remember it)?

And on a lighter note, yesterday I aquired a stomach flu.  I felt sick to my...stomach!  But alas, I could not hurl it out as hard as I tried.  So, while my family left me home alone to sleep while they went Christmas shopping, I took action.  I couldn't sleep with the pain that I was in, so I forced myself to drink LOTS of water.  And in no time at all, I barfed my guts out!  I felt great afterwords, and have been on the road to recovery ever since.

Monday, December 20, 2010

1984 Quote

I did not get to share my quote in class so here is mine, it is found on page 80 when winston was talking to himself about how big brother changes the past and he says "I understand HOW: I don not understand Why." I chose this quote because it shows that winston realizes what they are doing but has been so brainwashed that he can't understand why somebody would want to do change the past

Favorite Quote

My favorite quote from 1984 is found on page 24 about half way down the page. It states:
"With those children, he thought, that wrteched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible."
This quote astounds me. I can't imagine a day where the government would turn children into spies in an effort to keep tabs on their parents. Its a very frightening thought that government could in some way overrule the basic sense of loyalty a child feels for its parents and turn them into spies that would rat their parents out without a second thought.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Confused about 1984...

Since I was one of the people who didn't get to share a "quote" or question I had about the book in class on Friday, I thought I would share it here.
I guess that I've never really understood the whole "Thought Police" concept in Winston's society. What I am confused about is how exactly they are able to read minds of the people in the society. And if they are, how come they haven't caught Winston for his free and opinionated thoughts. Which adds another question of mine: Is Winston really thinking these things? If he was, wouldn't he have been caught by now?
These are just a few of the many things I am confused about in the book. Otherwise, so far, I am really enjoying the book (although I will probably re-read the whole first part just to make sure I understand it before our quiz when we return)!

So much Hate!!!!!

The quote that I picked for class but was not able to share is;

"The horrible thing about the two minute hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in."
(p. 14)
This quote demonstrates how much big brother has control of these people. Winston did not truly believe in his heart the things that were coming out of his mouth. Unlike most others, Winston did not actually hate Goldstein, the government had messed with his mind so much that he found it impossible not to participate.
Personally, I can not imagine feeling this helpless. Not having a choice is something that really scares me. What I have a difficult time remembering is that they really are not bad people, this is the way they have been raised or brainwashed and they do not realize how ridiculous some of their actions are.


I haven't gotten my rough draft emailed to me yet, and I was really hoping to start working on it tomorrow. Has anyone else not gotten their rough drafts? I have been waiting for it and I was expecting it on Friday of last week.

I'm really concerned about how my Argument Essay is going to turn out because I thought my Whitman Essay was really good and it was marked up quite a bit more than I was expecting. I'm hoping that my mom can help me with the next essay, but I'm not so sure if it will be good enough. I'm kind of worried....

Argument essays

Mrs. Stariha,
I am a little confused. We were supposed to get our essays back by email. I don't know why but I haven't gotten anything. I am sure I sent it on my school email but I haven't gotten it. I have checked any other email that it might have been sent to and I don't it. So I hope you got it from me. Let me know if you haven't. Thanks!


so many things to do!

I thought I was just cruzin along all good, all the assignments turned in everything, until the end of the week! My brain was suddenly flooded with multiple projects and things to do for this class and I needed to get myself together! So last night, I decided to write down absolutely everything that I had to accomplish sometime over break. Surprisingly this helped me figure out exactly how much time I needed to get my work done. Unlike previous years, this Christmas Break will not be filled with relaxation and an extremely flexible schedule, but it will include necessary work and projects to be planned out. :]

1984: The Quote I chose.

I had chose a quote from pg. 34 near the end of the page. It was:

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth."

I chose this quote because, it really makes me think. What if, what we learn in school is all a lie, whats written in our textbooks is false?....scary. =/

Saturday, December 18, 2010

In 50 years...

50 years from now i wake up. I realise that I'm an a unfamiliar place, and as I look around it seems as though its a dream, that I've just been sleeping. But that's not possible because as I look in the mirror I don't recognize the old face and aged skin I see. As I begin moving through what I assume is now my home, I feel a cool breeze blowing in from and open slider. As I move closer the smell of salt and a cool ocean breeze fills my lungs with every breath I take. As I step outside, its hot. I begin making my way across the scorching sand to the waters edge, where a man waits underneath an umbrella. When he looks up at me, he doesn't say anything, he just smiles. I think I know him, he seems so familiar. But yet I don't recognize him. He hands me a glass of lemonade and motions me to sit down next to him. As we begin talking I start to realise I've been married to this man for most of my life. We seem to be so in love how can I not remember him? I begin to gaze off across the ocean trying to remember. Remember anything from my past. Then it hit me, the last thing I remember was being 17. Where has the time gone? I was young, ambitious, and indestructible but in a blink of an eye... 50 years later.

1984 Quote

My quote is found on page 72. This was when Winston was copying stuff into his diary from a textbook he borrowed from the Parsons.
"In the old days [in ran], before the glorious Revolution, London was not the beautiful city tat we know today. It was a dark, dirty, miserable place where hardly anybody had enough to eat and where hundreds and thousands of poor people had no boots on their feet and not even a roof to sleep under."
This really stood out to me, I really had to think. What if our history books are false? How do we know that everything we've been told to be true is true?

Friday, December 17, 2010

whoa! weird...

haha... This has nothing to do with College English but this is just too funny. When Mrs. Starhia was talking about how a Bryan called her phone at 1 in the morning and when his voicemail was described as, "Hey. Its Bryan..." (in a very deep voice) I instantly knew who it was... It was my boyfriend, the Mr. Bryan Bell. But, I think that his phone is possessed. His phone was dead! Weird huh?! Well, I thought I better clear that one up! Cracks me right up!

1984: Quote

The quote I choice was, The past not only changed, but changed continuously.

I hope you all have a wonderful christmas break.

Cant wait to get back to hear the first controversial issue on friday.

1984: Quote

My quote for today was Freedom is Slavery, because freedom has no value if there is no counter part. I was really upset we didnt get through the whole circle today im also excited to come back from break and see the first presentaion. I really found it interesting that our reality kind of relates to our lives today. Also if anyone has any ideas for there senior portfolio please clue me in!

50 Years From Now...

50 years from now I realize how much I have missed throughout the years. I am married now with four children. Three boys and a precious little girl. They're all starting there own families and I now have grandchildren. I tell them stories of their parents growing up and how much the remind me of each other. My husband and I are retired and living in a beautiful waterfront house in Florida. We sit in our chairs on the beach talking about our first date and the day of our times have changed.

Technology is everywhere now, is a necessity by all -- almost like the air we breathe. So many things have developed that I couldn't even have imagined occurring years ago. They have even found a cure for cancer, a miraculous discovery! But through all the technology family is still the core of my life. My husband, kids, and grandchildren are what keep me going each day. They're what put a smile on my face and keep laughter in my voice. And for my husband and I, we're still as in love as we were in college....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Really Don't Want to Procrastinate

So I'm the typical teenager, I always say that I want to get my projects/homework done early so I have nothing to worry about. But then I get really lazy and about one-two days before something is due I decide to start. I should really stop doing this though, with college ahead and whatnot-so I already have started on my senior portfolio and I think if I stay on top of it and give myself deadlines that I'll do a great job on it! I have already asked one person to do one of my letters of recommendation and I started writing my introduction letter!
Good luck to everyone on their senior portfolio!

Another 28 years later...the movie!

This was my free write, but I decided to fix small grammar errors and post the idea.  If you ask me, it would make a video game or movie.

I see myself walking down a dirt road, then I wake up.  I'm in a hospital.  I can barly move, but my arms look well preserved.  The room is colorful, and my bed is centered, not in a corner.  I fall as I get out of bed.  My mind is that of a 18 year old, but my body is much too frail to be normal.  I leave the room, and as I leave, the colorful patterns vanish and the room is blank white.
The halls are plaid and dull.  NO paper anywhere.  A man in black walks over to me, (an android?) and touches my hand.  Then states my name.
Doctors and nurses rush from the doors and tell me to breath slowly.
They tell me that I fell and hit my head on concrete, and have been in a coma for around 50 years.  (I don't recall and concrete, or falling for that matter.)  They say the only reason I've  been alive is that my parents have been paying for me to be on life support.  However, they both recently passed on, and with no one to pay my bill, a new experimental procedure was preformed to make use of my body.  The [surgury] was a sucsess, and now I was to be studied for two weeks.
After one month, I was moved to a homless shelter, just outside of the hospital.  Apperently, America had nuked all of Korea in a defensive move to stop a nuclear war between North and South. The U.N. was very displeased, and now the third wolrd war is in effect.
The city is very segregated.  The center is full of lights and power, with very few people (civilians).  And everything surrounding the center is slums, most of which have no power.

Thats it... time ended and I stopped writing.
Maybe I try to stop another nuke from going off and become a "hero" or find a typical government base with secrets.  I'm not sure, but I think the whole concept is pretty neat-o.


I have two questions so far. I dont want to sound dumb but on the controversial issue I have found a good site and I would like to use it but it has more than one author and this website I asuume pulled information from their work and made it all in one. Im not sure how to set that one up because there is more than one author.

Second question is it said it posted my blog on 1984 but I can not find it no where.

Help Please. I dont mean to sound dumb.
Well I'm writing this tonight so that I dont forget to do it over break! This class is going well so far, I've learned new things already. Things are starting to speed up though, with the book, the blog, the portfolio, and controversial topic project to take care of. I hope I can get it all done and do a good job! The portfolio is going to be alot of work, but it'll be worth it because I'll use it in the long run. I just have to remember to stay on top of things and I'll do fine!... And remember everyone get your letters of recommendations done soon!!!

Orwell's Views

Orwell views society in a negative way. He talks about how everything is very negative for him and that people need to be there own person. Every person from society should carry on with life the way they want to and not what the government tells them to do/think. 1984 is showing us that we need to be aware of this or it could happen today in our world that we live in. It consists of freedom and independence.

50 Years From Now...

I just woke up from what feels like a nap. I stretch and yawn and think about the day ahead of me. As of now everything is blurry; I need my glasses. I stumble to the bathroom, feel around for my glasses and put them on. As I stand there I feel weaker, smaller, and colder. I look at myself in the mirror and the person I see is not me. Startled, I feel my face, I'm old, wrinkled and pale. Whats happened? Did my life zoom by as I was taking what I thought was a nap? I start to cry. where did my life go? I fall to the floor and think to myself; Did I graduate? Did I go to college? Did I get married? Or do I have a family? I wipe my tears and get up from the bathroom floor. As I walk around my home, I see pictures on the wall, ones Ive never seen before. as I go down the stairs I see a wedding picture of me and a man I don't recognize. I see pictures of a boy who I assume is my son. Where has time gone, and where have I been?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


George Orwell is showing how society needs communication, pleasure, safety, individuality, and feedom in general, or else people are powerless. They have no way to express themselves which makes everyone a prisoner. No one can think anything bad, and there are no rules to state what is and isn't ok. Everyone is out to get one another, which actually is nothing like peace, but rather stressful. I'm so glad I don't live in a crappy socialistic community like Oceania!


George Orwell depicts the society of Oceania as one in which Big Brother forces it's people to believe whatever Big Brother wants them to believe. They censor everything to a rediculous extent. The words he uses to describe the landscape and the surroundings are rather bleak. He says that there is no color even though the sky is blue. It's like the people are brainwashed to not see color, only in the posters. And the posters are another thing. The society must feel under extreme scrutiny with all the "Big Brother is watching you" posters everywhere. They must feel like they can't do anything without being seen. Even thinking something "negative" is against what Big Brother wants, so it is punished. They live as Big Brother wants them to live. They do what Big Brother wants them to do. They say what Big Brother wants them to say. It's like they aren't real people anymore, just Big Brother's pets. If I want my dog to do something, she will do it. It's the same idea. The people feel like even though they aren't people, they are secure. Security is more important than free thinking. If they think freely, there security is gone. They are "vaporized." The fact that everyone is the same makes them feel uniform, like they are a part of something bigger than just themselves. They want to belong and the uniformity grants that.

It seems as though Orwell feels negatively about humanity. He probably saw the people around them as "pets." They followed what they were told, whether by their religion, government, family, etc. He probably thought that the people are not really their own people.

Orwell's Society

George Orwell depicts a very grim and even frightening view of society in 1984. Everybody is being watched, even their thoughts are being monitored. Even the thought of rebellion would get you "vaporized", which is a very frightening concept. In my view this whole concept of spying and monitoring people seems to be an extreme example of the abuse of human rights.

Pessimism Perhaps?

George Orwell wrote the book 1984 in the year 1949-which means he was predicting what would happen 35 years from his time. The overall tone of Oceania seems dull, isolated, and trapped. Orwell obviously had doubts about the intelligence of humans. For example when Winston was writing in his journal his thoughts were not concise, his grammar was incredibly demeaning, and his sentence structure was like that of an elementary student's. Orwell creates the character Winston because he represents the part of population that goes against the rulers (government today). Everything in this book so far seems to be not that far from what could happen in the near future; maybe not so exaggerated as the book depicts, but these events/ideas could surely exist.

Orwells views on humanity

It seems to me that he is writing based on things that are partially realistic. George Orwell is comparing the control to the war and what hitlers idea of control was. In a way Oceania is an ideal place because everything is set up for you. There are no worries. The Ministries reminded me of our government and some ways we run it. The one thing that was not so ideal is the fact that there are no laws so at anytime you could be committing a crime and you would not really know it. It seems like Orwell is looking at humanity in a negative way here in 1984. Although things may change as we read more.

How Orwell views humanity

In reading this book I'm finding different connection that relate to events in present day. Especially different characters or feelings that could easily relate to Hitlers time of complete control. This would make sense considering the book was written in 1984. However Orwell's different aspects of how life will be like in the "future" is dim. Having lost all privacy, and any sense of uniqueness. Just by thinking of the wrong thing you may be committing a crime that you didn't even know existed. He describes the way of life that is supposed to be "better", but in all actuality it hasn't gotten any better just worse. Also Orwell references different think that big brother does to what our government and the media do today. The government tries to convince us to think a certain way and to even think a certain way. Many of our actions are purely based on was society as a whole would do. Its scary to think about how right Orwell was with his prodictions of humanity.

Orwells View

The society in Oceanina described by Orwell in his 1984 novel was very depressing. Everyone was always feeling watched. Think of how it would be if you new everything you did and even thought could be seen by someone. You would never be completely comfortable. Things could get out of control like that. He's trying to show what society could be like if we let someone or something get too much control of our lives. Would not be able to live happily or sanely.

Orwell See's What We Can Not

Orwell was, as it seems, to be a very disturbed man. Even the best people are little troubled. He sees society as a dreadful place to be, a place where it is so perfect it is wrong. Within his writing there is (depending how you look at it) a positive and negative aspect of it. His views are negative because they are of unfortunate events happening to people, and what people have become. But they are positive because they open our eyes, to see how our society is so much like his fictional one. His thoughts make our heads spin, retaining new information that we most likely would never think about. He sees society as confining and manipulative. His character, Winston, he writes about aches to escape; to remember his old life with his family. Maybe this is how Orwell felt. He wanted to get away from his reality, so he started a fictional one of his own. Maybe he saw something coming that we still can't see?

Orwell's dismal depiction of the future! What a letdown!

Orwell gives such vivid descriptions of what he believes the future will be like that it depresses me! He believes that the future will look ugly. He implies that we will be living in homes that are disgusting, dark, and just plain nasty. People will be watching our every move, no privacy! Big brother represents the government, and the brotherhood represents radicals against the government. Orwell is explaining how dangerous government can be, and I think he believes that if things continue in the way they have been for the past 100 years or so, this is exactly how life will turn out; The government having absolute control. Our future is not looking so good if our society turns out in the way Orwell describes.

What does Orwell's description of Oceanian society imply about his view of humanity?

Orwell's dark descriptions of the Oceanian society show that he had little faith in the human race and believed that it was only a matter of time (with all of the technological advances) untill greed and corruption took over.  It also implies that people are willing to accept small changes against their lives by the government in exchange for protection (but it looks like it got out of control.)  For being a great writer, he seems rather dense and simple minded.  His fictional predictions are right to certin extents, but only with about 30 additional years of development.

Orwell's View on Society

In 1984, Orwell views society as a negative. Much of what he discusses is similar to what is going on in todays society as well. We depend so much on others and don't step up and take the initiative ourselves. We follow others in such a way that it becomes negative and unbeneficial. In the Oceania and in modern society the government has so much power that we let them control us in way we shouldn't allow. In Oceania everything seems ideal, no laws, family, and providing complete for everyone. But the flip side makes you change your mind on this state of mind. There may be no laws but that results in no guidelines or bouandries and anything could result in crime. Everyone may seem a sense of belonging, like a family but there is no trust/loyalty with one another. And even though you may be provided with everything needed it is of poor quality not giving any pleasure to them. Its hard to imagine living in a world with no laws but sometimes our government may gain to much power which is wrong too. This book so far shows the value of independence and not following everything everyone else does. Orwell is coming across negativly but I believe he is proving a point that we need to understand in present society.

Is Orwell's Oceanian Society Related to OUR Futures and Society?

George Orwell's view of a 1984 and futuristic society is revealed through his writing. Oceania is a society in Orwell's book that appears as nothing but a place of "rotting nineteenth-century houses . . . windows patched with cardboard," and other dark and filthy figures filling Winston's mind and life. In the story, Winston Smith stands for all people in society who know that things are not the way they should be. Life has changed so drastically over many years - to this strange community that should not be - that no one realizes how unorthodox they and their "people" truly are. Nobody is really a friend of any other, nor does anyone care. There is no individual personality or reasons behind actions that one may make, but rather it is just a pattern the society follows.
These first couple chapters have uncovered some of Orwell's ideas about how he felt society and even humanity itself would evolve and change dramatically over the years. There is more information to uncover and I can't wait to get further into the reading and start to see more of Orwell's views and feelings he had towards his future and the future of "society".

Orwell's Views

George Orwell thought very oddly for someone in his time. But sadly enough his views are somewhat accurate to what we see now. We get fed lies almost everyday from the people in the government. Just like the people in his books whether it be 1984 or Animal Farm. George Orwell might of thought in different ways but if you really look into the details of what he's saying it really isn't all that far off from the truth.

Orwell's view of society

George Orwell feels that society is full of mindless drones for people. In 1984, all of the people follow what they are told. I do not think that I would like to live in that society. No one is allowed to think outside of the box or to do anything out of the ordinary. Everyone is fearful that the thought-police will capture them for suspicious behavior, so they follow along without ever thinking anything for themselves. The history is constantly changed and the evidence is destroyed so they have no true records of history. There seems to be no true freedom and life seems to be meaningless.



George Orwell society reminds me of hitlers society, the people there are always getting told what to do by big brother (hitler). Big Brother is always watching them so they have no freedom. They are not aloud to thing anything bad and there are no laws, so they could be breaking the law at anytime and not know it. Big Brothers society is very plain and unattractive. I would not want someone telling me what to do and or watching me all day. It seems to me Big Brother thinks that his people dont need Human Rights and they should be controlled at all times.

It's a bit grim...

I feel that Orwell's depiction of society, as portrayed in 1984, is a particulary negative view. He seems to feel that humanity is unable to keep itself upright, and just. Eventually everyone will give up what they beleive is right and go along with what others are doing. This seems to cause a domino effect and lead to a situation like in 1984. Orwell sees the population as the old 'herd of sheep' metaphore, we all go where the others do! I don't think this is entirely false however. Orwell may have a point that describes political campaigns, commercial advertisements, and fashion trends. Most people are influenced by them and go along with what their friends or family do. In 1984, Orwell portrays Winston as a person who goes along with the way society is, but questions it, much like many of us, including myself in some cases. We're just afraid of the concequences of stepping out of line (the thought-police or Big Brother) and doing something different than anyone else. Altogether I don't think its that far off from what happens in the present, giving us something to worry about.

Other people's thoughts on 1984

I started reading the book a couple weeks ago so i am further along in the bookand I feel that the book is great. Orwell does an excellent job in creating a society that is believable and makes us wonder if our society is heading that way. But i want to know what other people's thoughts are on the book?

Required Blog

Orwell's description of Oceanian society implies his view of humanity. He described Oceania as a society of people who are in fear to think. If a person dares to think, the Thought Police will know, and nothing good comes out of that. Orwell seems to think that all the human in the society are the same. They all work for the same person, "Big Brother." He seems to make all of the people seem brainwashed. They follow whatever is said to be followed and are scared to think any other way. I believe that it was O'Brien who even made younger children dress the same in shorts and the same colored t-shirts. They each have a red hankerchief around their neck and spy on their parents. They are made to believe that telling on their parents is a good thing and that they are involved with protecting their society. In Oceania, there are no laws meaning that there are no guidelines, which makes anything a crime. Killing people is actually amusing to children which seems sickly to me. Orwell seems to think that people are all the same and that everyone has to believe in the same thing or harm will fall upon them. I think Winston will be the one who takes a stand against what seems to be the government and will make others start thinking about a different world other than the one they are all in.

Oceania Implications for Society

What does Orwell's description of Oceanian society imply about his view of humanity?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

50 years from now...

I really enjoyed the free write today on the "50 years from now..." I started writing my paper as a story but wasn't able to finish it all. Here's a little bit of my free write...
I wake up feeling sore and extremely tired. I stand up to go to the mirror as I always do to wash my face, when I realize that it is not me. My face lokos worn down and my hair isn't a black shiny color. I notice wrinkles that I hadn't seen before on my face. Questions are running through my head. "Where's my Mom, Dad, sisters, Daisy, and Mason?" I'm so confused and I instantly break down into tears. I run outside and don't see any type of nature. All I see are buildings with skyscrapers. I become so terrified! All I want is to see my family. I start walking back to my bedroom and see that my television looks different. Everything is out of the screen, it looks as if it isn't even a television. "Monday, December 13th, 2050." states the T.V announcer. "50 years?!" I start running around the house looking and shouting for Mason. I assumer he has to be here somewhere. He always comes over by this time in the evening. I walk around the corner and suddenly I see him. I tiredly run towards him and hug him tightly. I instantly start sobbing hysterically asking him questions that could literally fill up the room. When I finally stop sobbing, he looks at me very confused.
And that is as far as I got. But I really enjoyed writing this and thinking about how life is going to be so different 50 years from now.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Switched, then switched, then switched again!!

I have switched my topic SOOOOO many times now!! I would start to think that I had a good one that I could really make a stance on, but then I couldn't find any research to back it up! I have probably wrote a introduction paragraph for at least five of the thirty topics! But don't worry guys, I finally found a topic that I feel passionately about, and I found some interesting websites that really got me going on the paper! Good luck to everyone!!!!!!

Argument Essay

So I started on Friday by planning. I wrote down questions, then did a map and then an outline. I did a little research on my topic and then started writing on Saturday. Now it's Sunday night and I've finished it. It's definitely a very rough draft, but when it is edited/revised I think it'll be one of the best papers I've written-or at least the one that I've spent the longest on.

Rough Draft

I started my Argument Essay and my intro is good I think and my supporting details are good, but after a couple paragraphs my rough draft is going down hill. Im having troubles and taking a break did not help. Is anyone else having troubles??

Saturday, December 11, 2010

So I guess I'm confused again...

I've begun research on my topic, but I want to make sure I am doing it correctly. I just need to know if I am supposed to pick a topic (one of the statements from the list of 30) that I AGREE with and write about it. Or, do I pick a topic and AGREE or DISAGREE with it and then write my persuasive essay? I thought I could pick a topic and agree or disagree with it, but I have been told otherwise. So, if someone could PLEASE help me out, that would be great!

My rough draft is very...rough.

Sorry, no entertaining short story this time.

However, I have been struggling with inspiration for my argument essay. I picked a topic that I like. I have a pretty interesting introduction paragraph (yes, paragraph) and my thesis paragraph is fairly good. My first two paragraphs are at least 6 or so sentences each, the third is about 3, and it just goes downhill fromt there. I don't know if it's just because I don't know the topic well enough, or if it's because I used all my creativity already and my brain is just overly worked. Anybody have some tips?

I found that listening to some soothing music (like Enya or George Winston) helps me to think. Silence bothers me sometimes so I don't like to write with aboslutely nothing in the background.

I Wonder If Anyone Else Did This?

I defiantly just threw out my first essay which was almost done and started from scratch with a new topic. I'm liking my decision though because now I get to write more passionately about a topic I like. Sarah Pranger is looking at me like I'm crazy now. :)
Maybe I am?

Its getting better little by little...Time to do some research!

Over the past few weeks I've realized that english isn't my strongest subject. I fear it never will be, but I will definitely work at it as hard as I can in order to improve and become more interested in the subject. When I found out about having to write a persuasive (3 to 5 page) argument paper, I didn't know what to think. I've never really written a paper like that before, but am now interested after choosing the topic I want to write about. Since most topics deal with current information, it makes researching the issue much easier. I also know that after taking notes in class about the basic and specific ways to go about writing this argument paper, I will be able to pull my way through it with a specific format to follow. I really hope to learn a lot about the subject I am researching, while I become another little step further towards improvement and understanding.

a few weeks ago....

Take yourself back to about two to three weeks ago...... If you were asked to do an argument essay, would u know exactly where to start or how to put your essay together? I know that I would struggle. Thanks to the short time that I have had in College English I am getting a better look at how to set up my paper in an organized way. This is going to make my weekend of rough draft writing a whole lot easier!

About My Argument Essay

I was wondering if anyone had started their essays yet? And if so, could someone help with mine? I have my 'really rough' rough draft. But I'm not quite sure if my supporting paragraphs make sense. Someone want to help? haha please? :)

The argument essay

I was wondering if we needed any sources for the arguments essay and if so, how many? It'd be great if someone could help


Friday, December 10, 2010

College English

I was really worried about coming into college english, but I have learned so much in this class. People told me that it was so hard, but it would be rewarding in the end. I am excited to get started in this class and hopefully improve my writing skills. I know that I will end up with the same reward as other people have had. I cant wait to get started!

Here I go

I was really nervous coming into this class, because I knew it was going to be a challenge. See, I'm not the best writer actually I'm a terrible writer. I cannot organize papers, and I tend to ramble and mix in a bunch of junk. Many seniors decided to not take college english, and not put themselves up for a challenge, however last year when we were picking our classes I said I want to exceed my expecations for myself so by entering this class, I think it will happen.

In the two weeks that we have had class I have learned SO much already. I'm starting now to plan and think deeply about what I am going to write down on my paper. Before, I was one of those students who would sit and write..and not stop to think abotu what was going on. But all that is changing and I'm really looking forward to this change. (:

College English

When I first signed up for this class my thoughts were that I would actually be taking a class that would prepare me and show me how a college class would be ran. My concern is this class is going to be harder than expected but Im ready to see what the "Real World" is all about. I'm want to improve my writing skills and ready to learn new techniques. The one thing I appreciate about this class is its on an adult level and when you debate about a topic we can say how we really feel at a appropiate and respectfully level. I hope to keep my grade up and do well in this class so I can be prepared for college.

Improvment Already.

Through our Whitman essays I have already noticed improvments in my planning and writing. For starters I actually took the time to sit down and plan! Instead of the usual sitting down and writing it out with no outline to begin with. I have learned so much during classtime on how to become a better writer and have already and will continue to applly it to my writing. I feel more confident about my writing thanks to the time taken in class to go over how to write a good paper.
Ms. Starhia I have learned sooo much already, THANK YOU! ;)

Off With A Bang!

Last night I was feeling ambitious! Knowing that I have large priorities this coming weekend I decided to start planning my rough draft for my argument essay. I've already picked my topic and did some research, so I had a general idea what I wanted to talk about. So taking Ms. Stariha's advice and turning off any electronic distractions (ex. tv, computer, phone on silent) I started brainstorming an outline.
Surprisingly it turned out quite well! After about 45 minutes of deep thought into my chosen points, I found myself with a detailed and example-backed-up outline of an essay. I was pleased. Since I'm normally a person who doesn't plan out an essay, I just kinda keep writing whatever comes to mind, an outline helped keep my thoughts focused, at least for me.
Not only do I have some stress off my shoulders, I have an excellent idea of how to write my essay, and whats in it (with no tangent bunny-trails, always a problem).

Thursday, December 9, 2010


So here I am, blogging. I'm doing this just in case, I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to by Friday, but not completely sure. Everyone else is doing it anyways so i figured just to be safe I better make a quick post, cause I dont want my first grade in the gradebook to be a zero ya know? Its never good to dig yourself a hole. Gosh I feel so cool blogging right now........ Peace!

Let's try this again, shall we?

I want to go on record that my last post was going to be killer. However, technology was not my friend that evening. The epic battle between man (or in this case, woman) and machine became more than I was able to endure. It probably didn't help that I was trying to post from my Evo and not from an actual computer. It seemed like a great idea until it failed miserably.

The other day I returned home after school to a terribly ill younger brother. He was pathetically lying on our leather sofa looking near death. Out of his weak vocal chords I heard a request. A request? For me? What could I do to save him from this illness? He wanted a taste of mango. So, being the amazingly wonderful big sister, I accepted his challenge. As many know, mangoes are a beast to peel and de-pit. Cautioning him to eat with care, I served the delicious fruit to him in a bowl that was more of a plate than a bowl. But the serving dish didn't matter. All that mattered was the fruit being served.

Out of concern, I did not want my poor sibling to eat himself to death, so I took it upon myself to consume half of his nourishment. It was well earned for the trouble peeling it caused me. Sitting on the davenport on the other side of the living room, I was deeply thinking while chewing the heaven of a fruit that I took from the plate-like bowl in front of me.

What I was thinking about is not particularly important. In a way, it is. But it does not benefit my purpose here. My mind wondering, my taste buds dancing, and my ears cowering from the terrible sound coming from the black box at the center of our living room (many might call this a "television," however I like to refer to it as "the annoyance"), my thoughts eventually stumbled upon the classes I will be persisting through this trimester. My attention was mainly brought to my future in College English.

Having just receiving my borrowed copy of 1984, I was considering opening the cover and unleashing the magic within, but the mango still rejoiced in my mouth to the point of turning my brain into a cornucopia of different ideas. Suddenly, my phone sang. A text message? O! how I rely on my phone to connect me with the world outside of my own! But, wait! An idea! My eyes wandered from the book, to my phone, back to the book, and finally to my phone again.

"THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT!" my thoughts screamed at me, "but, my phone is not an iphone, so that phrase does not fit." I marveled at my idea for the next few moments, all while attempting to conjure up a phrase for my Evo and its "apps." Having absolutely no luck with the last portion, my idea was fool-proof! Pressing the power button to awaken the wizard within, my phone rose from the land of the dead.

Navigating the home screen was no problem for my nimble fingers. I pressed the icon that read "Market" in hopes that I was not to be made, indeed, a fool. My idea had to work. It just had to!

"The search bar on the top!" My mind was racing with the same thought over and over and over again. Typing with fingers twitching with excitement was more difficult that I was expecting, but I conquered it with ease.

"Do I really want to press 'enter'? Yes, I do." So I did. And with much success, it was there! Pressing download, my heart raced. Beating at what felt like a million miles a minute, I was sure the muscle would skip at least one or two.

10%. 30%. 60%. 90%. 100%! It has been downloaded! My heart leaped with joy!

But, what was the name of the app? I can't find it in the app menu. Had I forgotten possibly the most important part of the task at hand? Ah! There it is!

1984 had been downloaded to my phone with hardly a second thought.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Darn you Whitman!

I just finished revising my rough draft of the Whitman essay into a better rough draft.  It took me just over an hour!  Luckily, I had some time to spare.  I found it a little challenging to find strong reasons for why the purpose of the poem was saying that life had meaning.  I used a quote from the last question before the answer, and the comparision of life to a  play for my explanations.  I greatly expanded from those two ideas, but that's most of my essay in a nut shell...
Is anyone else finding themselves only having two to three reasons?

College English

I'm excited to finally take this class. It's not like a regular, have-to-do-it, kind of class. It's an elective that I find intriguing. I've been interested in English since the fourth grade, when Mrs. Ten Brink taught us different writing styles and techniques. I think the subject is fascinating. I want to expand my reading and writing skills through a more professional level type of course.

I also appriciate the maturity (or at least its supposed to be) level of the class. Also I like that we research controversial topics, and aren't afraid of really being able to say what we think (respectfully). I feel I think more like an adult, so being able to finally express things in a higher level of thinking is refreshing. I really want to do well in this class to prepare myself for my college education in the Fall of 2011, especially since I'm double majoring in Pre-Law and English Education at Ferris State. So hopefully Ms. Stariha doesn't crush my hopes and dreams too much. :)


I can finally post! Yay me! :)

-That is all.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This is going to be challenging

College english is going to be very challenging but I'm always up for a good challenge. I'm going to Michigan Tech to be some sort of engineer, so I'm not to sure if I really need this class. I do know this much though it will look very good on my record. So I'm ready for whatever this class brings to the table.

I feel like such a nerd...

Joining In

I'm glad to see the excitement in these posts. I am looking forward to this class as well.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Concerns and Excitements

I am excited about the class, and I expect to learn a ton! I know that there is alot of work required and the class is very demanding, but I want to do my best and maintain an A or a B. I know that my writing is not my strongest quality but I am looking forward to improving upon it. I also have not read much in the last couple years so I am kind of looking forward to reading again, and I know this class will motivate me. I am sad that Stariah will not be with us the whole time but I know that Ms. K. will keep us on track and help prepare us for the 2nd half of the class

True Story, Luke


I know taking college english isn't going to be easy, but i hope in the end it's worth it. I expect to become a better writer, and expand my abilities. I know the class is going to be alot of work, but I hope it's also fun. I want to feel very confident in my wrighting abilities when I go to college next year and i am sure this class will help me do that. I agree with Emily where she said that she doesn't make time to read as much as she should. I don't read unless I have to, and thats probably not a very good habit. So this class will get me back in the habit of reading daily, which will be good practice for next year. I look forward to preparing for the future!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I feel ready!!!

I feel like I am ready to start a challenging English class! I am so excited to learn to become a better writer! I know that writing is not my strongest area, so I am anxious to learn to become a much better writer. I have a difficult time finding time to read, but if it is for a class, I know that I will make it a priority. I really enjoy reading, and this class will give me a good excuse to get back into it. I am also very excited for the senior portfolio! I love PowerPoint's and I am so glad that online is one of the options for completing the project. College English, here I come!!!

Goal and concerns

I'm SO excited for this class!! I'm an english girl through and through so this should be right up my alley! I love reading-which I'm sure is pretty obvious- so I'm really excited about the different books we're going to read! I'm very concerned however, about the writing part. I honestly can't stand writing. It drives me up a wall! So needless to say all the papers seem a little daunting to me. Even though I don't really like writing I'm looking forward to developing a good technique and vocabulary. Another thing I'm rather concerned about is the discussion aspect. I'm pretty shy - shocker huh?- so talking in class and expressing how I feel is probably going to be an even bigger challenge than the writing!! Overall I'm really crazy excited about all the opportunities this class is going to create for me!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Personal Goals & Concerns

To be the best I can be.
That is my real goal of the class summed up in a single statement. I personally am a science and math person; I like when there is one correct answer so I can check my own work. I'm not a fan of the fact that in English there are many different correct ways to write, read, and interpret. English may not be my strong suit, but I know that if I work hard, I can learn, and improve at least something before I head off to university. One of my other goals is to be able to share in class, I'm always afraid that I have the wrong idea of something and that if I share I'll just be laughed at; basically I want to get over that dumb insecurity.

Not understanding, and being afraid to ask.
I have a bad habit of acting like I know what I'm talking about all of the time. Yes-I know that is not the way I should walk into a college-prep class, and yes I realize that I'm going to have change that and fast! This would have to be my biggest concern with the class. I really think there are going to be days when I am just "out of it" because I didn't get enough sleep, or because my mind is on something else; and because of this I may not be able to pay attention in class and then I'll get really behind!

I am excited though.
My sister graduated in '04 and she took College English back then and loved it. She didn't really explain anything to me, she only said she loved it. I only hope that I'm able to say that when the course is over. As for the literature that we are going to read, I'm excited for '1984,' 'The Color Purple,' 'The Poisonwood Bible,' 'Their Eyes Were Watching God,' and 'Ordinary People.' Although I do realize not all of these are required, they are at our fingertips, so why not try to expand your knowledge by reading some new literature?

My Goals and Concerns

When I first signed up for this class, of course I was very nervous. I still get the same feeling as I walk into the classroom at the same time each day (although it hasn't been long), but leave with a positive attitude in hope of becoming a better English student. This course isn't just some high school English class we are required to take to graduate, rather its a class we will learn from and gain knowledge to lead us towards those goals we plan to reach in our futures.
Out of the many goals I am setting for myself, improving my writing skills would be my top priority. I also hope to take what I learn in the course with me and share thoughts and encouragement with my fellow classmates. In return I will become a more prepared, stronger student as I get ready to enter college.
I have as many concerns as I do goals for this class, however, it will only encourage me to work harder to reach those goals. Some of my concerns are maintaining a good grade, gaining important writing abilities, and enjoying what I will read and write about.
I am looking forward to the exposure of the reading material and different writing styles of the course as well as class discussion and input on what we are learning about. I really hope to gain a lot from this course and am looking forword to all the new skills I will build from it.

Looking Forward to the Challange!

I am very excited that College English is now beginning! It will be a class that is going to challange me as a college bound student and is just the push I need. I am hoping to maintain an A or B grade in the class but I know that if I am working my hardest thats all I can do. I hope to become a better writer and reader to prepare me for college and into my career. My friend Molly Aebig has talked to me on what a positive it was to take this class her senior year of high school and how in college it has made her english class so much easier. I am bummed that Ms. Stariha will not be able to be in class with us daily but I feel after having Ms. K today, that she will do a good job as well. It will be hard but I am ready for the challange!

Bethany :)

Goals + Concerns

First off, one of my big goals to achieve during this class is to become better at essay writing and learning more literary elements to make me better in english. My stronger points are definitly in science and math, but I want to make sure I'm a well rounded student going into college and later, a career.
Next, are a few concerns of mine. One thing that worries me is they types of essays we're going to have to write! Previous english classes have been pretty cookie-cutter, read a few books, take a quiz on them, learn some vocab, etc. I've never really dug into the details of how to write an argument, synthesis, or op-ed essay. (I did have too look up what an op-ed was!) I don't know how much time, energy, and thought is going to need to go into these types of assignments, and I like to know whats coming (no surprises), which may lead me to worry a bit on these types of writings.

My Goals and Concerns

Going into this class I have set a couple goals for myself. I want to improve my writing skills so I can learn how to write Strong persuasive essays that will help be not only in college, but later in life as well. I also want to learn to interpret the literture better so I can understand it more clearly. My final goal is to push myself when the class gets tough, and finish everything to the best of my ability. A few concerns that I have for the class is how advanced the literture that we read will be. Also just being able to push myself to do my best in the class, and come out of it with improved writing skills, and just overal improving myself so I can be ready for college next year.

Cant Wait!

I am really excited and cant wait to learn a new way of writing. I'm ready to make my voice heard and stand out. I've heard a lot about this class. Its tough, it takes all your time and effort and it will be one of the hardest classes of your High School career. I have also heard that it has helped friends of mine who are in college now. Taking College English instead of Senior Composition is a smart move for me. I want to be the best I can as a writer so I am prepared for the future!

Preparing for College

Personally, I am hoping that I can gain an understanding on how to correctly write an English paper in which will have a nice transition and also be understandable. I am really enjoying this class so far and know that I am going to have to work extremely hard to receive a good grade. I would like to learn how to interpret an essay and be able to explain what I had just read. Being able to expand my vocabulary is something that I am also looking forward to and is something that I believe is going to benefit me in the near future.

I do have concerns also like any other person probably does. I am hoping that I don't get extremely frustrated when something does not go my way. I am hoping that I can understand everything that is being taught. Another concern is that I will not have all the time I need to finish any of my papers, which may cause them to lack whatever is needed. I know that will be my responsibility but I would like to learn how to manage my time better and I truly believe this class will help me with that!

This Class

Personally I am really excited to be in college english, i feel that this will be a good experience for me and will help me develop my writing skills

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I've spent the last hour trying to join this website,  then I finally did it!
If your having trouble, log in to your school e-mail, then open the invitation to join.

Here's what I posted on my blog thinking that I was contributing to this site.

My views for the rest of the year

I am very proud to be in this class!  Every day I get a little excited thinking about what I'm going to write about. 
For my education, I hope to give it my best in every assignment and aim for the A at all times.  I also hope to fully grasp the messages I read in the class novels.
When the class is called on to read out loud or share free writes and essays, I will try to volunteer as offten as possible.
There is going to be a lot of material in the class, and as a student, I really hope that I can gather all that there is to learn and keep it in my head untill after college!
I REALLY want to read "The Color Purple" and "1984."  And I plan to read some "just for fun books" in addition to the required ones, so I can expand my horizins (and pick exactly what I want).
In short, this class is going to be one of my favorites.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Goals and Concerns...

First of all, my goals:
I am aiming to get an A in this class, much like anyone else. However, that is not all I want. I want to learn how to truly enjoy literature for all it is to be enjoyed for. I also want to learn how to enjoy reading in general. I have never really enjoyed it, mainly because I feel I haven't found the "right book" yet. It's always been a chore rather than a hobby of mine. I really wish to change that.

Next, my concerns:
I am concerned that I won't have enough time with work and school and extracurriculars to finish my work. I know that if I learn to manage my time I shouldn't have a problem, but I'm a procrastinator. I definitely put things off until the last minute for just about everything. I work until 6:00 every other day and it doesn't sound like a lot, but it can be rather demanding.