Friday, December 3, 2010

My Goals and Concerns

When I first signed up for this class, of course I was very nervous. I still get the same feeling as I walk into the classroom at the same time each day (although it hasn't been long), but leave with a positive attitude in hope of becoming a better English student. This course isn't just some high school English class we are required to take to graduate, rather its a class we will learn from and gain knowledge to lead us towards those goals we plan to reach in our futures.
Out of the many goals I am setting for myself, improving my writing skills would be my top priority. I also hope to take what I learn in the course with me and share thoughts and encouragement with my fellow classmates. In return I will become a more prepared, stronger student as I get ready to enter college.
I have as many concerns as I do goals for this class, however, it will only encourage me to work harder to reach those goals. Some of my concerns are maintaining a good grade, gaining important writing abilities, and enjoying what I will read and write about.
I am looking forward to the exposure of the reading material and different writing styles of the course as well as class discussion and input on what we are learning about. I really hope to gain a lot from this course and am looking forword to all the new skills I will build from it.


  1. Well said Chelsea! My favorite part of what you wrote was, "This course isn't just some high school English class we are required to take to graduate, rather its a class we will learn from and gain knowledge to lead us towards those goals we plan to reach in our futures." That is absolutely true; and we can see that everyone in this class chose the course for a specific reason, seeing as they had other options such as Senior Composition as well as English 12. It’s sort of exciting knowing that we’re all interested in something to do with English and we all would like to learn!

  2. I agree with everything chelsea. especially trying to keep a positive attitude about all of it, and all of your concerns. I also share very similar concerns, but taking this class I know will prepare us for the future!

  3. I think that if we work together as a class, our concerns won't be so pressing. I have a lot of the same ones as you do. And I know what you mean by the nervous feeling.

  4. I know that nervous feeling too. I love the fact that we can still leave with a positive attitude though! I also agree with Taylor, if we make sure to work and talk things out as a class, it will be easier and more enjoyable!

  5. It is a tough class, so it is natural to have concerns. That's okay! Just keep the positive attitude and accept the challenge. I know you will do wonderfully. I like how you mention working together too. Remember, you are not alone, you have support in the form of your classmates and me and a substitute teacher as well!
