Thursday, May 5, 2011

Andy said something beneficial...

I really liked what Andy said in class the other day...that Celie doesn't say men's last names because they are all the same to her. She probably looks at all men as having "things" and beating her, and nothing more. They aren't real people to her. Or they are real people and she ahs been demoted so many times by them that she doesn't see herself as an equal to them. Anyone else have thoughts?


Is there a secret to making the "Running head" dissapear after the first page?

I just read my e-mail like a good little boy....

BBBUUUUUTTTT I didn't get one of those peer revision sheets!


And the in the e-mail, Stariha wrote, "The paper will need to be emailed to your peer review group members"  Is this just our group members we were assigned today?

The color purple

I thought the begining of this book was terrible in the fact that a 14 yr old had gotten raped by her father. Meanwhile are class discussions dont focus on the bad we are all mature and can really break down whats goin on in the novel and not just the bad.


Well Im glad the weekend is coming but first things first the rough draft is due. Im kinda stressed with that but I hope I can write a good rough draft so then its easier to make the changes for the final draft. Im excited for prom and a break, its been a long stressful week.

It's Thursday, Thursday Thuuuursday (to the "Friday Song" theme)

So as I'm sitting here listening to Rebecca Black's horrible song, yes I actually YouTube'd it, I'm finishing my rough draft. I just sent it to Mrs. Stariha actually. But I just realized that I didn't incorporate my interviews......... Oh, crap........ You know how she was talking about the really rough drafts she was going to get... Yeah that's my paper, but I'm not procrastinating this time, I swear!!! I've been working on it for the past week and a half. The hardest part has been combining everything. Has anyone else had this problem? Thank goodness it's almost Prom Weekend, cause I really need a break.

P.S: Almost done with the Color Purple, can't wait to start the Bluest Eye. Could someone give me a quick summary of that book so far? Thanks :)