Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If Johnny was a stormtruper haha

While I remember what all I need to say

Ms. Stariha, when you were talking about the op-eds being emailed to you on Sunday, I emailed my final draft that day, that wasn't me looking for more corrections and stuff.

Does anyone know how far we are suppose to be on JGHG

Umm. Yeah I guess that is all that I had to say. haha

Thoughts over evening coffee...

That test was a pain in the...eye.  It would have REALLY helped if we could've used the book... 

Also, try not to laugh...

Bill Authorizes Use of Unmanned Drones in U.S. Airspace

Big Brother is set to adopt a new form of surveillance after a bill passed by Congress will require the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to open U.S. airspace to drone flights under a new four-year plan. The bill, which passed the House last week and received bipartisan approval in the Senate on Monday, will convert radar to an air traffic control system based on GPS technology, shifting the country to an age where satellites are central to air traffic control and unmanned drones glide freely throughout U.S. airspace.

can you say 1984? go and read the full article i might be misunderstanding this but i think this will allow drones to survalence america.....



ok so i am thinking that maybe the quiz was too easy like i think i did good......but thats when the devil attacks when you are feeling your strongest you walk right into her trap....also the op ed i feel as if that was easy for me is that another trap from the devil herself? only time will tell......JK about the devil thing shes more of a fallen angel....wait isnt that the same thing? the world may never know

Interesting Painting

This painting shows Obama stepping on the Constitution and money all over the ground symbolizing how worthless it is. I believe the man in front represents all American workers. But...what do you guys think about this painting?

Valentine's Day

So I was pretty nervous for the quiz this morning, but afterwards I felt pretty confident. I think my large essay went really well, I really really really tried to focus on all of the things Ms. Stariha told us to focus on (the main idea first, less examples, etc.) so hopefully it will turn out :) The only things I didn't feel really confident on were the last 2 extended responses. But oh well, overall though im happy and not as stressed out! yayy!


I'm actually feeling pretty good about that quiz?:) Hopefully I did as good as I thought? haha