Monday, January 23, 2012


Well im kinda feeling like a total failure for my F on the argumentative essay, ugggh, that sucks, hopefully my OP-ED wont suck too....

Op Ed Rough Draft

Am I the only one who's glad the the Op Ed Essay is only a rough draft at this point? I have a good idea, but right now I think that it's really garbled and whatnot. But then again, I might be paranoid.


So is the 1984 test still on for tommorrow?

What my post on Sunday would've have said if Madeline didn't feel the need to edit it...

So I didn't have internet all weekend and I hadn't blogged for the week so I called up Maddie, and thinking she was a good friend, she typed up a blog post for me so I would get points for the week. However, Maddie had some fun in 'revising' my blog post. So here's what my post would've said:

I'm excited for the discussions about the end of 1984...I feel like we'll have a lot of varying views on the end of the book and that will be fun! Congrats to friday's Euthanasia group, I enjoyed the presentation (yay prezi!) I felt like the discussion however went kinda in circles...we would establish a point and then just keep discussing some of the same things, we never really moved through some of their questions. However, it did get a little heated so that was fun! hehe. oo, that op-ed essay is tough to get the short word limit. Don't get me wrong I love that its supposed short but it's hard to a full analysis into one page!

p.s. i loooovvveee unexpected snow days!!

Another Day

Here we are again, another day off. I couldnt believe it when my dad told me we didnt have school today. Well anyways it will be nice to have another day to sleep and work on college english stuff. The Op Ed essay is really hard to get all the information down and feel good about it without going over the alloted word count. I have to go over and revise my work again and find places to cut back because at this point mine is way too long. Also today I have to start working on the lifeskills for the portfolio. I hate writing about myself so this might be interesting. Have a fantastic snow day everyone!