Friday, March 23, 2012


So apparently I'm the only one who didn't know we were supposed to be finished with Judges so I should probably get going on that. the moment I have two wonderful doggies begging for my attention, and that seems just a little bit more important :)

Food Circle

Well..I enjoyed our snack circle today! However, I hate having my book be different from all of you guys it takes me forever to find quotes now. So I got really behind on taking notes, oh well.
Oh, and Happy Hunger Games weekend! May the odds be ever in your favor for that Quest on Monday!

Sun and PWB

So I forgot to take my PWB book home last weekend, and I didn't go to school on Monday, so I was realy behind on Tuesday, but thanks to this glorious weather I am now caught up, and I believe I am actually ahead of the game :) every day I have taken my book outside and read, and even though it resulted in me turning a little pink, it was well worth it. But if I get skin cancer I now get to blame it on this book haha, my story will be, "the end of my senior year I spent all of my time out side sun bathing because I had to read the PWB, and to get a good feel for the novel it helps if you're out side, and now I have cancer, it's all Nathan Price's fault!" haha wouldn't that be one of the greatest excuses ever, I think its right up there with the business man trying to claim prostitutes on his taxes.

whata day.

Alright, so yesterday was a whirlwind of a day.
We tend to talk in this class about life, and the simple joys of living. I think that this is something that we all need to remember. Sometimes life might not always go your way, or you dont have as much as someone else, or you tend to get in trouble, or you lost a big game, but... thank God that you are alive. Be thankful that you get to breathe and eat and walk and smile and laugh and live. We honestly dont know when when our last day will be. Whether its 20 years down the road, next week, or even five minutes from now. Take this moment and be happy that you are alive.

Great day

So yea I mean losing really sucks. Guess Mrs. Stariha is probably happy though
because now we won't be getting special treatment. Anyway, I guess I have more time to read Poisionwood Bible now. I really like the book too. Its actually kind of interesting.


I'm very sad to say that I am behind in the reading. I hate when I let this happen but this week has just been so strange and busy I haven't had as much time as I usually do. I also keep thinking I'm ahead when I'm not.