Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Posting & Thoughts about Time, Friends, and Value

I can honestly say that I don't know why I am writing on the blog right now.
I guess I am just bored or frustrated or whatever, but it doesn't matter.
I find it hard to know what to write about anymore because I don't feel like
I have anything important to say or tell anyone. I mean, my mind hasn't conjured
up any brilliant thoughts or ideas on anything we've talked about lately.
I find it interesting, yes, I do...but I just don't have anything to say about it.
I guess...I just intake it all. I take and take and take but hardly give.
I'm starting to wonder where this behavior comes from because I know it occurs
in different parts of my life.

No one has to read this or respond though...I mean I doubt you will but this post
is mostly for me I think. hahaha...maybe I should be writing this in a journal
or on something else but my mind doesn't really care where it's written as long
as it's down and out. But that doesn't make too much sense either.
So I guess...I feel like I have a lot to say, but then again...when I am asked about
things....my mind draws a blank and I remain silent.

Gives me ideas for my exam project. =P haha...kind of but not really though.
I already have a 'plan' but I don't know if it's going to work out or not.
Maybe it will...maybe it won't, I don't know but I hope it does?
Anyways...I'm going to stop annoying people on here with my random, meaningless
thoughts. Not to sound depressing...but they really are meaningless. haha...
I didn't really end up saying anything worth listening to.
I'm not too worried though...I know when people see long posts they don't want
to take the time to read them. A few of you do...occasionally. lol But for the
most part? I think no one really wants to take the time doing something they
aren't entirely sure they will get pleasure out of.

I mean, why read it if it doesn't effect you? or maybe it's affect? I never know
when to use which, but that's besides the point. People don't usually 'waste' time
on people they don't know or care about...they spend time with the people they do
care about...because that person is worth the time. So does that mean that most of
us don't think that we are worth anyone's time?

Why is it that a stranger isn't considered 'valuable' in the sense that we take the
time to listen to them? I mean...all of our close friends we have now were once
strangers. Were they not worth I time before then? Were they not valuable?
Or maybe...they were always valuable, and everyone is (I believe that)
but we don't find that value unless we search for it...or get to know the person.
So why is it that it's so hard to make new and real friends? People who actually
care about you...and love you for who you are. I know very, Very few people like that
and it's actually really sad to think about.

I could go on and on with this "Freewrite" but it doesn't matter.
If a tree falls down in a forest and no one hears it...did it make a sound?
I don't know. Logically...yes, it made a sound. But does it matter if it makes
a sound if no one hears the sound it's making? Does it really matter? No, it doesn't.
It doesn't matter at all.


FINALLY! Everything that caused me anger, depression, and mild insanity is over! All that's left is the final project and I've got a great idea for that so that shouldn't be too hard.

Great JOB!

So I wasn't here yesterday so this was the first presentation that I have seen and I was sooo pleased!  You guys looked awesome!  I couldn't believe how awesome it was, not that I don't have faith in you guys, but that I didn't know it would be so great, good job

Sorry for the not-so-perfectly-clean language in this one...

Maybe not Wikipedia or copy and paste...but I think I owe all my grades to Google.
Hey y'all check your school email. DON'T COMMENT ON HERE ABOUT IT. just check your school email, please & thank you (: