Sunday, March 20, 2011

College English Part B

For some reason I am able to post comments through my iPod, but am unable to blog. Just thought I would start out by saying this because I just thought it was really weird that I couldn't. :) Anwho, I don't have much else to say so far besides the fact that I am in that nervous state again that I was in when we first started College English class during our first weeks in part A. I really hope I will be able to keep up with assignments and the reading of chapters so I won't fall behind in class and understanding. I'm hoping this first paper will go well, and hope that I will receive great advice after my rough draft is completed. I'm looking forward to what this last trimester holds for us seniors, and I hope that it will ready me for college just as much the past trimesters has.

Busy.. & Excited!

So when we were first assigned the rhetorical analysis paper I was pessemistic. But after we did a few examples in class I got excited about this paper. I am responding to the first prompt about the nerds. Mainly because I identify with it. I have my introduction done, but I'm kind of lost on where to go from that. I've had a busy weekend. Friday I read The Poisonwood Bible and started my paper. Saturday I went to my cousin's baby shower, and today I finished reading our assigned pages from the book.

Poisonwood bible off to a good start

First off i'm really enjoying the poisonwood bible, what i like the most are the different viewpoints for every chapter. In most books there is usally only one character in which you can listen to their thoughts and see how they think, but in this book it lets into the thoughts of all of the sisters, which i enjoy


I like the posionwood bible. i like the way its writtin and it really pulls you in like you feel like part of the novel. i can't put it down but i had to inorder to post this lol! cant wait to talk about it 2morrow!


Today seemed like perfect weather to read a book. So as I was searching my bookshelf for one of the multiple novels I've been meaning to read for years on end (and won't until after this class), I remembered I had to read The Poisonwood Bible. So making that my pick, I curled up with some tea and a comfy blanket and started to read. I was pleasently surprised how much I really like this book! Sure, it helped that my sister told me she loved it when she read it, but the different points of view make it really interesting! It's kinda like 5 books in one. I'm curious about what kind of themes we're going to be discussing and what type of storyline this book will follow. We shall see! :]


I'm absolutly loving this class! The discussions in class have been great and I feel like Im learning alot!! I really like the rhetorical analysis. It's been fun for me to dig deeper into different types of sentence structures and how simple things like repeating a word or sound can compel the reader to think or feel different things. That being said, I'm very exicted to start the paper on the AP prompts. I saw the title of the one about Nerds and I knew that it was going to be a fun paper to write! Im also excited about "Poison Wood Bible"! From just the intro I could tell that it was going to be a very interesting book with lots of description so I could clearly picture each scene and character in my head! For me this makes the book even more fun to read and create a sort of movie in my head to go along with moods and people...including soundtracks if I'm feeling particulaly dorky!!

3rd tri

so far this tri hasn't been so bad. Im really anxious for spring break to come, and for this tri to just be over. But im glad we have ms. stariha back but im also kind of nervous for this paper due friday, it seems like it might be kind of confusing and im hoping that once i start writing ill know exactly where i want to take my paper. The poison wood bible im also excited to start reading. It looks kind of intimidating because of how lengthy it is, and since i didn't really enjoy johnny got his gun, im hoping i really like this book. Its a lot easier for me to read the novels when i like them and i understand them. I hope this final tri of high school is the best yet!

loving it!

college english feels like a whole new class with ms. starhia back annnnnd im LOVING IT!
i am so eager for the books we will be reading and am ready to learn more.
i really enjoyed fridays poem 'africa' annd am excited that we have began the poisionwood bible.
being sick put me a behind so i hope i can catch up quickly :/
so much to finish up today....

hope everyone had a good weekend! :))