Friday, March 25, 2011

Sitting at home...Bored out of my mind...

Just at home, jamming out to "Misery" by Maroon 5. Seems like a fitting song for my condition HAHA
So, I'm kinda missing school...Haven't been there since Tuesday and it is kinda getting boring at home LOL stupid track injuries... I went to the doctor today and found out I fractured my ankle... Eh, it could have been worse I guess... But that's why I haven't been in school, I'll be back Monday hopefully.
I'm kinda nervous about the test since I missed it, anyone care to fill me in on what I've been missing in class?? Well, see everyone soon I guess :/

quote circles...

thanks to quote circles, i felt so much more confident going into the test!
it really helps to talk with the class and really dig deep into the meanings of different quotes.
as for the book i love the figurative writing style!
the book is so much more interesting and seeing the different angles of the novel...

so far so good!


the poisonwood bible

i am loving the poisonwood bible so far!
its a all around great book. i am a huge fan of Jodi Picoultt so Kingsolvers figurative writing style really interests me. its gives aspects of different characters in the book, each telling there own stories from the same experiences.

i feel like i did pretty good on the quiz too....literature circles help soooooo much and i really enjoy hearing every ones point of views!

have a good weekend everyone! :))


I was so up when I realized that I had forgotten my book with my notes in the book. I was going over Genesis last night and left it right beside my bed. Thankfully I took notes in class over each character and also wrote down quotes that I thought would be important. I am hoping that I did not do terrible on my quiz and am hoping that my rough draft rhetorical essay stated all the points that I was trying to make. I had a lot of things written down for the passage but then felt like I didn't know how to start my paper. I sat in my room for the longest time trying to procrastinate...even though I knew the paper had to be done. I am glad I started my essay early and was able to finish it.


The rhetorical analysis paper has been the hardest by far. /=
I find it very hard to write a lot on writings that are so small...I can't seem to get my thoughts to go out far enough. Other than that, the quiz today went pretty well I think. The quote circles really helped I think...and I've kinda missed them. But, so long now have a wonderful weekend everyone. (:

Rough Draft.. DONE!

I've been sleeping all day because I had a horrible night and only got about half an hour of sleep. So my mom finally woke me up at 9pm and told me I should do my homework. So I got to finishing my essay and I have to say I am very excited. This has been by far my favorite essay and I think my paper is pretty good. I feel like I'm actually applying myself this trimester, I hope I keep it up!