Saturday, December 18, 2010

1984 Quote

My quote is found on page 72. This was when Winston was copying stuff into his diary from a textbook he borrowed from the Parsons.
"In the old days [in ran], before the glorious Revolution, London was not the beautiful city tat we know today. It was a dark, dirty, miserable place where hardly anybody had enough to eat and where hundreds and thousands of poor people had no boots on their feet and not even a roof to sleep under."
This really stood out to me, I really had to think. What if our history books are false? How do we know that everything we've been told to be true is true?


  1. ..I picked a quote from pg. 34 that kind of made me think the same way. but seriously, what if everything we learn is a lie..wouldnt that be scary? (:

  2. Nice... you should read the comment I made on Amy's blog post about the same topic Alexandria...
    It is a frightening concept, especially since factual history is one of those "external realities" that we discussed in class, a "truth" we all hope to cling to and judge ourselves by.
