Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sarah and Tyesha!

So for everyone else, all hour Sarah, Tyesha, and myself were thinking of a nursery rhyme and couldn't think of all but one line...

I finally remembered it and had to blog so I wouldn't forget.

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn't keep her.
He put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well.


So at the moment I am looking up background information for my psychology project because I'm the girl in the group and I guess this means I get to do all of the paper work. gahh! Back to the point I was looking up quote about rebellion and I stumbled across one I liked and guess who it is by ..... you guessed it George Orwell yeahh buddy. I am curious if it is in 1984 or not! But the quote was
- "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
I know not very rebellious but when you really think about it, it is a form of rebellion. Anywho I just thought it was #1 a good quote #2 horrible that I cannot escape college english even when I am trying to get OTHER homework done for the OTHER classes I have ! lol

Stariha.... :)

Alright hate to be a skiping record but could you possibly email us all your example of the portfolio? Pretty please with sugar on top?? I kinda hate the one online cause everytime it bothers me the way its set up and then I just stop looking at it. I think I may have a touch of OCD I'm not sure though! :P

Random Free Write? haha

Well...before I lay my thoughts out for people to read I would like to sort of apologize for today. =P I was really tired from the meds I'm on from getting my wisdom teeth out (which is actually very unpleasant) and so I wasn't able to completely focus. Sorry...

Anyways...I am going to Free Write I guess....

I really think that the Nursery Rhymes were just an example of digging deeper to find meaning in different things in life. I mean, everything that I can think of was either written or composed in order to interest people or make them feel a certain emotion or something. If you take any type of reading or even a song and read it... you understand what it is about. But when you actually take the time to look deeper into it, I think you can learn more things and make connections with things from either the past, present, or I don't know...but yeah. hahaha

Switching my Focus...

1984 is SUCH a fantastic book so far!!! I never really thought about things such as history being changed in order to fit what the Government wants the people to believe. It's really captivating in a way...if that even makes a lick of sense. haha

I might post more later when I get my thoughts together...that and I get bored and lonely cuz my sissy is sleeping right now. hahaha.... =) Try not to get annoyed??

senior portfolio

question time! (there are kind of just some personal question, or more so advice)

1)for visuals...if i am doing a scrap book and i have visual art as one of my academics should i try and put then in there with some creative twist, or do like a seperate folder?
...personally, i am feeling the creative twist but i dont know if itll look the best doing that
2)i was thinking about between each section having like some quote i enjoy or some kind of quote relating to the next part... does that sound like a bad idea?

well i guess i only had two questions soooo thats all folks :)

Nursery Rhymes

Listening to the true meaning behind nursery rhymes is in one hand interesting to me but in the other hand completely sad. It seems as if it's taking these fun things I remember from childhood and making them something completely serious. In relation with 1984, it seems as if my past is changing. From this great thing I once knew into something that just leads to growing up, and that nothing is ever what it seems.