Saturday, April 28, 2012

How 'bout Them Narrative Essays A?

So, as I said to you all I don't want to write about anything sad in my essay. I'm tired of that. I don't really want to write about religion, because that's hard to explain and its something that's so inside of you that it doesn't always makes sense to others. So, I looked through my life and I couldn't really find anything I really felt that I wanted to write about. Lot's of things I could write about, but nothing I really want to. So, I'm going to write about something fun :)

I'm going to write about the very first race I ever won :) It was against a nemesis of mine. So it was a really cool moment for me. Does that sound okay? I've started it, but it's kind of weird.....because there isn't much dialogue, its just the dialogue in my brain, which I guess we could call monologue. But it kinda feels like dialogue in my brain? that weird? I don't really care if it is.

Thank You Lucas Landis (and everyone else)

So, I have a confession to make. I, Laura Persenaire, am.....A PROCRASTINATER! Shocking, I know right? You're all gasping at your computer screens huh? So, I have a really hard time trying to get myself working. So today I decided to ease my way in and start on the blog and then work from there.

 And what should I see but a plethora of posts from Mr. Lucas Landis that really made me smile. The one about colleges, and when he used the word articulate (quite accurately I might add kudos Landy), and how he liked the books and such and can hear a black woman inside of him when he's reading, and over all there's just something about his writing style that makes me laugh. I can hear his voice through the blogs, it's just fun.

 Then I read some other stuff from the rest of you, and saw some lovely pictures, that made me smile even more. So thank you all for brightening my day just a little bit so know I can start to get down to business. I appreciate you.

 And thank you to Ms. Stariha (by the way can we address right now something I've always wondered about? I know you're not Mrs. Vanloon. which is pretty awesome as far as I'm concerned, but are you MRS Stariha? or MS Stariha? or MISS Stariha?? often I just put Stariha because I get confused. Maybe I'll just go back to calling you Coach like in the good ol' days :)if only Lucas was at Shelby then huh Coach?

Ready Set Go

So I have decided that I hate starting papers. Once I am writing they are ok but the beginning is terrible because I never know how I should open.

A while ago...

Earlier this week when we were starting our books I liked what someone in my group said about the beginning of the Color Purple, how that event was the greatest influence on her life. Kind of like how we wrote about what had most influenced our lives in class.


Well my life is now going to consist of homework, homework, graduation planning, homework, and prom. I remember last year I was getting my nails done at the nail place while writing my frankenstein essay so at least I wont be doing that. But its going to be so hard because in 12 days i will be leaving for new york where i realy do not want to bring my paper. Ohh well this weekend will be fun full of organization, research, and writing!! :P YAY

to: stariha ♥: kaylee

yup, kaylee is right here next to me...and she wanted me to tell you that she loves you, and that you are her favorite teacher bc you prepared her for college so well.
oh and i told her about the camping trip and how we werent allowed to do it. and she said she'll go tell the board to eff off? :) know what she actually said :p