Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Required Blog

Orwell's description of Oceanian society implies his view of humanity. He described Oceania as a society of people who are in fear to think. If a person dares to think, the Thought Police will know, and nothing good comes out of that. Orwell seems to think that all the human in the society are the same. They all work for the same person, "Big Brother." He seems to make all of the people seem brainwashed. They follow whatever is said to be followed and are scared to think any other way. I believe that it was O'Brien who even made younger children dress the same in shorts and the same colored t-shirts. They each have a red hankerchief around their neck and spy on their parents. They are made to believe that telling on their parents is a good thing and that they are involved with protecting their society. In Oceania, there are no laws meaning that there are no guidelines, which makes anything a crime. Killing people is actually amusing to children which seems sickly to me. Orwell seems to think that people are all the same and that everyone has to believe in the same thing or harm will fall upon them. I think Winston will be the one who takes a stand against what seems to be the government and will make others start thinking about a different world other than the one they are all in.

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