Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jee williker zippidy dippidy doo dah batman!!!

so, i kinda just ruined the whole book for Bre, but it was well worth it haha

but anywhos, ive come to like pwb more than 1984 or JGHG. idk why but all the sudden i cant stop stinken reading it, its great! i might be ahead by the end of the week!!! yay!!!


Holy cow... once you get to a certain point in PWB... BAM! Everything just comes together and happens within the space of about 5 minutes! I love this book.

Yay for not really having tooo much homework for break!

You made me a very happy dedicated student today... :D


"is the cup half full or half empty"

So I was just thinking about how better prepared we are going to be for next year because of this class. Althought these next few weeks of school are going to be hard, its going to be worth it. And in all honesty I feel like these projects could be really fun! :))

Senior Project

I really think our class needs to come op with the best idea for our service project ever! I think we can come up with some good ideas. Maybe we should like adopt a highway, and clean the road like those guys in jail you see all the time. We could go to the mountains and lead a group hike. That would be awesome, but i doubt we would ever be able to do that. Could you guys imagine taking like a three day hike through the mountains as a class for our service project though! coolest thing ever! We could do it for our own personal senior trip! Oh, and of course Matt would be invited. haha

Im scared

I have got to be honest. I am getting super freaked out about this last trimester. School is finally coming to the end and I'm gonna have to work the hardest i have ever worked before. How ironic, so close to the end but yet the hill to climb is the biggest yet. I hope i don't slip and fall back down.