Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a great week!

Well... This week has been...GREAT!
1984 is getting better and better.  I've been informed by secret sources that the ending suckes eggs... but I'm enjoying it.
The whole op-ed essay is becoming more of an annoyance than a pleasure.  I stopped typing to find out that I had 800 words, and had only used one reference!!  I feel the word limit is holding me back, but then again, trimming the fat in an opinion based paper is for the best.  I'm glad this class is as difficult as it is!  It's getting me ready for the real world.
In completly unrelated news, I wrote a letter to "Playstation: The Official Magazine,"  AND IT GOT PUBLISHED!  That kind of thing NEVER happens to people you know, and I'm enthralled that my letter got chosen, (even if it was a nerdy letter at best.)
And then, in the fake stocks that we are forced to invest in, (staring at one million $, and growing,)  I've made a 13% profit!!  It's crazy awesome!  I only wish I had invested some of my real money.
Lets not forget that we had a snow day this week too!

This week has kicked some serious asteriods!
I hope the Friday presentation goes well!  : )