Friday, December 3, 2010

My Goals and Concerns

Going into this class I have set a couple goals for myself. I want to improve my writing skills so I can learn how to write Strong persuasive essays that will help be not only in college, but later in life as well. I also want to learn to interpret the literture better so I can understand it more clearly. My final goal is to push myself when the class gets tough, and finish everything to the best of my ability. A few concerns that I have for the class is how advanced the literture that we read will be. Also just being able to push myself to do my best in the class, and come out of it with improved writing skills, and just overal improving myself so I can be ready for college next year.


  1. I am also concerned for some of the advanced literature that we will read, but I know that it will better prepare me in both reading and writing.

  2. I hope you both really enjoy the literature. It is more advanced, but (in my humble opinion) it is really engaging. I think if you give the literature a chance... you will find it really makes you think, makes you angry, makes you inspired, or all of the above!
