Thursday, May 10, 2012

Defeat =( ...

Okay...I must admit that I need help with this Project. I attempt and attempt to find more information but I can't seem to find the right stuff. Even when I do find doesn't seem like it's enough to make my paper. =( I can't find someone to interview (I'll keep looking) and my surveys are just yeah...we're not going to talk about those. *sigh* I feel like no matter how hard I try on this project... I'm destined to fail. =( Okay...maybe not fail, Fail...but pretty close to it. =/ Seeing as we are doing this in a group, I can't let them down because that is TOTALLY unfair and just yeah... So I need to get "on the ball" I guess, and sign up for conference time!!! -Discouraged Tyesha =/ (But I'll keep on working!!! I just need help focusing my information...just saying) =P Didn't want to sound like a total downer. Oh and my cat is laying on my lap and my arm so it makes it kind of hard to type. =) ha ha...she's a weird one. lol

How many pages is our paper supposed to be again? I know Stariha's site says 5-7 but I feel like it got changed and I don't remember to how many.

I love small Groups!

I'm sorry to everyone that wasn't in class today, but it was sooo nice to have that few of people! We were so productive, we had realy good discussions and it was really fun!

Oh, but we miss you all still haha

Class Today

I really liked class today with all of the New York people gone.
No offense guys! haha

It was small and quiet.
And I really liked our discussion on silence.
It made me think a lot.
I mean not that I don't normally do that haha.
But my mind got all twisted around.
And I'm excited tomorrow for our quote circle.
We get to be outside and for once we'll make it through everyone and still have time for more discussion.

On another note...
I'm really stressing out about this research paper.
I asked my mom and sister if they could like go somewhere tonight or sit upstairs and read or something while I work on my paper tonight haha.
I felt kind of mean but our computer is in the kitchen and they're always in and out and making dinner and clanking dishes and I can never concentrate.
So tonight = no facebook, tv, ipod, e-mail, or distractions from my family.
Strictly research paper.
I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.


I loved today's discussion with all the poems it's lovely. I just wished we had more group time to figure out what to begin discussing tomorrow...oh well.

5:30 today group, don't forget?

Also, I felt bad that most (not all) of what we talked about silence was in the bad light, but silence is a thing of beauty too. That and I thought I'd point out there is a difference in it being silent and being shy. Last thing, I agree that we can never truly achieve silence because you can't really silence those thoughts in your head.


Wow this next due date for the research paper just creeped up on me:/ Not to mention my group who wants everything by Saturday...thanks Jen!:p lol