Sunday, January 30, 2011

Good Job

Good Job friday to nora becca and alex.  I thought you guys did a good job taking up the whole hour.

procrastination has caught up with me

Unlike how I wanted to execute my 7 life skills assignment, I waited until today to finish it. Immediately after church this morning I sat at the computer and channeled all my creativity and vocabulary into those paragraphs!! It only took me about an hour or two to get them all done, but it still ate up a bunch o time out of my weekend, which I didn't like. I kinda wish I would have gotten them done sooner, but oh well :]. I should give myself some credit though, I still managed to have an awesome weekend around this little project! Hopefully this coming week will go just as smoothly and I'll be able to keep on top of all the assignments coming up!

Another Post

Well, there wasnt very many controversy over the controversial issue. It could've been pretty interesting but not alot of people were into it that much. Oh well. I'm thinking the 1984 test is going to be TOUGH. Not looking foward to that. Weekends are too short....

Weekend, you were just too short...

Although I had a pretty good weekend, it was also very busy. Malcolm and the others came home from Honduras around 3 in the morning on Saturday and later came to my house to practice with my sister, Kaylee, and I for the talent show. That was the first time we rehearsed since before he left for Honduras. Afterwards, we left for Grand Rapids to some friends of his families and then went to Calvin College to watch the play "The Wednesday Wars" written by Gary D. Schmidt. The play was directed by Kirsten Kelly. I really enjoyed the play and I hope to eventually read the book. Well, that was my weekend up until today...
Today was crazy because, after returning from Grand Rapids at around 12:00 noon, I had less than two hours to practice, get all three of my outfits around, take care of my clothes from my overnight stay, and get ready for dress rehearsal. It didn't go too well because I was stressing about getting all of my life skills done for tomorrow. Also just because nothing really turned out as planned. I finally got home after 3 hours of being at rehearsal where I continued working on my life skills. I'm doing pretty good now and only have two left to do. I took a break so I could post, since I had only commented so far, and still needed to do so.
Well, thats pretty much it. Just getting ready for another busy week and a lot of work I'm going to going to have to put in towards my essay.

Last Moment

Well i waited till the last moment to write my post. So now i will try and say something that is good, so that i get all 10 points for this. The issue friday seemed to me to be one sided there was few arguments against it if any. I think Noble may have been the only one to speak up against the issue. Nora's group tried to make a boring issue interest but when there isnt much that can be said in the end it was still boring. Im not saying anything against the group they did a nice professional job, not much they could of done.

YAY! Senior Portfolio

I really need to go and purchase supplies for my senior portfolio!
I have everything planned out and am moving along quickly with the project.
I am very excited to put everything together and see how it all works out!
This is such a fun project, to express individuality to everyone!
Hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as I am! :)

Interesting Event

Coming home from church today, I took the scenic route out by Crystal Lake. It was really pretty! But going around one of the corners, my tires lost 100% of their traction with the road. My car slid back and forth down the road for about 100 feet. I kept my foot on the gas the entire time, until I realized that I was sliding directly into the ditch. At this time, I decided it would be best to not accelerate into a snowbank, so I hit the brakes. This did nothing because I had no traction. Ending up a few feet away from a 2-foot diameter tree, I'm really REALLY happy it's winter because the snowbank definitely saved me, even though it hurt poor Lumpadema.

I'm thinking about my life skills paragraphs and there is no inspiration falling from the sky.

Where did the weekend go??

So I'm at my computer getting ready to start on my paragraphs thinking that I still have another day left of the weekend and then realized that it was Sunday. Whoopsies!!! I totally meant to start these Friday!! Grr on busy weekends!! Anway, though the weekend has been really busy its been fun! A group of the band kids went down to Cadillac yesterday for solo and ensemble and I think it went really well for most of us! I'm excited to meet with Ms. K about my op-ed essay. It will be helpful to be able to talk about it and then fix it from there!! Well, I guess those essay arent going to write themselves! Time to get to work!!

Fridays discussion

so Friday's controversial issue was very disappointing. It didn't go very well, considering most of the class didn't participate in the discussion. I feel like our group though tried its best with coming up with controversial questions that got everybody thinking, and we had a lot of informative information. I'm not sure if it wasn't arguable a lot because a lot of people really didn't know much about marijuana legalization or they just didn't care. Hopefully after class though everybody had a lot more information that we supplied you with and you will have an opinion on it now. A big thanks though to everybody who did participate!