Sunday, April 29, 2012

Who wants to take a survey?

Take my survey please! (And please let me know what you think!)
All the stuff that's getting posted right now is not very commentable. This post isn't either but whatever. School is just getting frustrating because I have homework, projects, chores, and a bunch of other things that I'm expected to do and right now anything associated with school is not winning.


Well, Im starting to feel like this class should be renamed, "ninja".. because it sure knows how to kick my butt.... hahhaa.. But in reality, I dont think writing this paper was really that hard. But then again this is a realllllyyyy rough draft. I think that it will interesting when we see all of the presentations. I honestly really like this whole topic of consumerism... Its turning out to be quite interesting.


i feel like i am focusing on all the wrong things right now. like..
-my job
-my car
-mission trips and such
-open houses

....and not focusing on what i should. like..
-passing high school?

i realllyyy need to stop procrastinating in this class. so if anyone can help cure my procrastination...i would appreciate it.


Weird acronym lol But anyways, so far I really love this book! I've had troubles in the past getting into books that have heavy vernacular in the text but that hasn't happened with this book, it has only made me more interested. I am excited to see how Janie's character develops...


Sooo I just realized that I haven't taken the test over all of PWB yet... which I am actually kind of excited to take! It took me a while to actually finish the book but I'm really glad I did. I had a discussion with mi madre about it today, she said that she hated the book and that it was really hard to for her to read mainly because of how poorly Nathan treated Orleanna. Up until the point Orleanna left, my mom said that reading it was kinda rough for her. But yeah I should probably take that test tomorrow... haha

yay for outlining:]

so I decided to go back and add to my outline and Stariha was right, it really does help when it comes to writing out the actual paper:)

Intro? Any Constructive Criticism? (Particularly on my thesis)

     “Have it your way.” This well known catch phrase of a fast food restaurant, not only gives us permission to decide what to put on our hamburger, but also gives us permission to decide the fate of the future of American consumerism. Over the past few years, the success of the fast food industry has skyrocketed. Along with the success has come several concerns. The never-ending impulse of the average U.S. citizen to order “fries with that” has had detrimental effects on our nation.

When I try to be productive...

I wish I could just sit down and write a paper like its no big deal.

You see, today was suppose to be massively productive. Instead,  I ended up with only part of an introduction by the time 5 o'clock rolled around.
once upon a time I decided that I was going to go to good ole Christian Deens house and become productive. plan= fail. I feel as though my mind would much rather be looking up music or discussing the future instead of writing this paper... but, none the less I will persevere and write my little heart out... well until Taylor comes back with his laptop full of music..

More Ryan Gosling.

You may have doubted me but I found more Ryan Gosling memes that relate to College English...or really Brit Lit. Here is one with a Wuthering Heights quote...yiipppe. It's not the best picture buuuutttt it proves that Ryan Gosling is, in fact, part of a band!


AHH Jen! Why is there a draft you have titled Ryan Goselin or whatever ... and why is it not published!!! lol

Creepyish Old Men !

So this actualy doesnt have anything to do with college english but I would like to share. So if anyone had Mr. Branning's sub friday you will know who I am talking about. But we had his sub I would guess his age between late 50s early to mid 60s and he just scrapped Mr. B's plans and talked about religion, and world government, he started to get into a evolution vs Jesus conversation but then we had to go. So I read The Color Purple all hour. But this weekend Ive got two texts, one saturday and one sunday that was a bible verse from some number I dont know so I am assuming it is this man. I kinda thought it was creepy so I told him "do not text this number" and he replyd with "is this tonya?" and I again told him "do not text this number again" and yeah so I didnt give him my number, so he took it from the school computer? .. just got creepier. Yeah Thought I would share this and remind stariha not to ever get him for a sub.. THANKS!!


Hey Megs.
Hopefully you see this.
Just a reminder about that Antigone script thingy!

Personal Narrative

Okay... So I am not completely sure if I want to stick with my first idea. I mean, I've written about my past soo much it's getting ridiculous. lol What else is there to say? I don't really I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. I found it really interesting to see other people talk about their essay ideas. I mean, I know it was kind of sad and stuff...but for people like me, it makes me realize that nobody is perfect. You know? That even the people who seem like they have everything put together...are still broken and have stories and sorrow just like everyone else. You know? We never really get to see that side of anybody at school. It's always "put a smile on" or "fake it" because no one cares anyways. ha ha... My Research Project is going horrible. Just throwing that out there. I hope I don't fail. =( I'm going to try and work really, really hard! *sigh* But matter how hard you try, you still fail. I guess if you try your can't really completely fail, can you? I mean, if you do the best of your ability...that makes you a winner? ha ha ha....I don't know.

El Color De Morado

I am really liking The Color Purple.
It's waaay easier to read than the Poisonwood Bible.
It's nice to have an easy book for the end of the trimester.
Takes a little stress away.

Consumer Sovereignty

So I ran across this article while researching.  It doesn't really tie in with my paper but I felt like it would be great for one of you out there.  I read a bit and it talks about how the economy is ruled by consumer desires.  HANNAH I think  you'll find the first paragraph has some good consumer priority statistics.


Someone actually responded and agreed to do an interview! YAYYYYY!!!!
...hopefully they are genius and know everything that I need to know....


Uh... Well, I just have a little bit to finish on my Research Paper, but am I the only who feels like I haven't put enough in? I don't know, maybe I'm paranoid.