Sunday, December 19, 2010

so many things to do!

I thought I was just cruzin along all good, all the assignments turned in everything, until the end of the week! My brain was suddenly flooded with multiple projects and things to do for this class and I needed to get myself together! So last night, I decided to write down absolutely everything that I had to accomplish sometime over break. Surprisingly this helped me figure out exactly how much time I needed to get my work done. Unlike previous years, this Christmas Break will not be filled with relaxation and an extremely flexible schedule, but it will include necessary work and projects to be planned out. :]


  1. This is a great way to plan out what is needed to be done over break!

  2. I did a similar thing..and it made me feel a little less stressed because now I know what I have to do and I don't have to keep remembering.

  3. That sounds like a great thing to do. I guess that I should get on writing a list tomorrow and then hopefully work on my argument essay again, or as soon as I get my paper emailed back. Good luck everyone!

  4. Don't forget to use your major due dates list I posted on the website to help you keep organized as well!
