Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cruise prep= Price family?

So on the long (24 hour...) drive to Florida for my cruise I had a lot of time to think. Along the way there was some GORGEOUS scenery especially once we actually got into Florida. While driving down the road we were surrounded by what looked a lot like a jungle. This got me thinking about Poisonwood Bible and how the Price family might have dealt with their upcoming trip much like my family has. I thought of how much my mom reminded me of Adah. A lot of times she doesnt really talk about what she's feeling and she is VERY analytical and likes to internalize many different facts and scenarios. While she's not at all bitter, my mom is very quiet and wise. My father on the other hand is very much a Ruth May. He is so exitable and is the one who wakes us up in the morning by throwing open the curtains and yelling "YOUR BURING DAYLIGHT!!!!" He is so much fun to travel and loves to explore and see everything he can whenever we go anywhere!! My brother is just like Leah. He is very logical and sees things in black and white, if its not right it is most definatly wrong. Seth thinks about everything that could happen and lays it all out in his head. While this leads to some unnecessary worry it makes the rest of us think about what might happen and helps us prepare. He also may or may not pretend like he knows everything... :)! Finally theres me. In preparation for this cruise I've realized that I'm more like Rachel than what I really want to admit. I constantly think about what other people will wear and how I'll stack up. I also think about how Jamaica will be different from home and if it will be dirty or to crowded. I even kind of worry about the people...will they bug me? Will they chase me around trying to make me buy stuff? What if they're dirty or rude?? Yup definetly more Rachel there than I'd like to admit.... So welcome to my 24 hour drive thoughts!! They used up a lot of time and even made me forget for a moment that I was stuck in the car with my little brother for another 10 hours!! >:S!!!

The Poison Wood smoke trap!

This week has been packed to the brim with many different mini adventures!  But sadly, this has hindered my reading experince with the Poison Wood Bible.  I got to the point where I was mostly skiming and searching
for great quotes, but when I got to the ant part, I read the whole thing.  It was a nice change of pace from the usual grind of Congo life.  It also let me (us as readers) see just how the charecters really act when lives are put up for  grabs.  I mean, Orleanna had to choose between Adah or Ruth-May, and she told Adah to "keep up."  Seriously?  She limps!  And those screw offs Rachel and Nathan are driving me crazy!!!  Rachel goes straight for the mirror, and Nathan preaches, he freaking preches!!!  I just wanted to go right into the book and beat some sense into him!  You can preach all your life, but you can only save your family when they are in danger, AND HE DID NOTHING!!  He is the reason that Leah is losing her faith.  How can he be so blind.

Whoa, I just worte a lot.  Anyway, last night I went to my great uncle's wake.  We stayed up untill 1A.M. and partyed like it was 1999.  Then today, we went to the memorial.  It was rather sad, but I was able to see all my cousins that I don't usually do.  All in all, it was a great time that will build me up as a charecter.

Well, tomorrow I'm off to see my great aunt, and will have a great time in Florida.  I also am going to read the entire rest of The Posion Wood Bible.  That way I won't fall behind in my other wise hectic life.

See you later.

And Alex[andria], you owe me 1$!!!!  The village really does get taken over by ants!!!!