Sunday, December 19, 2010

Argument essays

Mrs. Stariha,
I am a little confused. We were supposed to get our essays back by email. I don't know why but I haven't gotten anything. I am sure I sent it on my school email but I haven't gotten it. I have checked any other email that it might have been sent to and I don't it. So I hope you got it from me. Let me know if you haven't. Thanks!



  1. Well, I think that maybe she hasn't sent them out to everyone yet or something because Taylor and I haven't received our revised papers yet either. I'm just going to check my email again in the morning, and if she hasn't sent it then, I will probably email her about it. So, you aren't the only one. Let me know if you get yours. :) Good luck! We all need it...

    By the way, we need to hang out over break and watch a movie or something. Me and Tiff already talked about it and she wants to, so we better :) Talk to you later girl!

  2. Yeah I still haven't gotten my paper! Has everyone gotten theres? Yeah Chooch we will hangout soon!!

  3. Kristen... I e-mailed you about your essay today. It was sent last week but was stuck in a draft for some reason and didn't send out. I couldn't open your essay because of the format it was in and need you to resend it to me as a Word document or a text document... or even a pdf file. Otherwise, I can read it and make suggestions. Thanks!
