Monday, March 28, 2011

finding nemo/ poisonwood bible

"just keep reading..
just keep reading..
just keep reading...
reading, reading

what do we do?
we read. read.

ho ho ho ho ho ho
i love to reaaad..."

hates being behind...

after all the confusion on how much we were supposed to read since our pwb quiz im behind and i hate it! even though i am interested in the book it is hard to find this much time to catch up...but spring break is going to be a great time to sit on the beach and hopefully finish up the book early! :)) thank goodness for our reading groups!


Even though I don't really have right to because it was all my fault for not knowing, but I'm going to complain about all the reading we have to do this week. I know I should have assumed we were supposed to read over the weekend, but I didn't and now it's screwing me over. :/ It takes me so long to read just one page and now instead of being 30 pages behind (like I thought I was going to be), I am closer to 140 pages behind. Well, I read a bunch already, so it's lower than that, but even still. To clarify, we are supposed to read Revelation and Judges for Thursday, correct?? But tomorrow we have to have Revelation read??

Getting it done Early!

This is my blog for the week! huray now i don't have to worry about forgetting to do this. I just read 100+ pages of the poison wood bible. Its a good book but after that im getting worn out on this book. But im looking foward to spring break. Jake and I are going to Ohio/Kentucky to mamoth cave w/ our cousin. We are going legit cave diving and rock climbing/hiking. I can't wait! Words and ross ray has good blogs (that was for you ross)