Sunday, April 8, 2012

V for Vendetta

Well if im tired tommorow and sleep in class, its because i stayed up till 1 in the morning watching the greatest movie of all time. its like reading 1984 all over again, but way better. So if you have never seen this movie, you really need to watch it, because it is amazing.

The 100 Greatest Kidsongs Collection

So I was researching for my senior project and I kept finding books but they weren't full text...
So I tried looking some of them up on iTunes to see if I could buy them off there...
And then I thought to myself...
"I wonder if they have any songs about fast food?"
And I found this album with a whole bunch of songs for kids and one of them was called Fast Food and these kids were singing about how fast food was like heaven and stuff.
It just shows how kids are targeted and how they make it seem so great to kids.


so going back to school tomorrow is not gonna be good.
i worked till 1:30 in the morning everyday this last week...except wednesday.
so i would sleep all day then go to work at 4.
so my sleeping schedule is all messed up.
and i have the flu...really bad. so tomorrow will definitely be interesting.
ohh and i would really like to know when our little "hiking" trip is gonna be or whatever.
bc i gotta make sure i ask my boss for it off and i get let her know a little bit in advance.

Spring Break Being Over = Me Wishing High School Was Over

Well I'm relieved to see that there is only one more post than there was at the beginning of break.
I was kinda worried I would get on here and everyone whould have posted over break and then I would have been screwed.
My spring break went really well.
And I have been dreading coming back to school.
That senior project and hiking thing or whatever we plan on doing and the rhetorical essay has been lurking in the back of my mind allll week. :(
Gah I'm getting really upset thinking about it. :'(
I really wish school was over.

I'm finally admitting I'm ready to graduate.