Sunday, December 5, 2010

Goal and concerns

I'm SO excited for this class!! I'm an english girl through and through so this should be right up my alley! I love reading-which I'm sure is pretty obvious- so I'm really excited about the different books we're going to read! I'm very concerned however, about the writing part. I honestly can't stand writing. It drives me up a wall! So needless to say all the papers seem a little daunting to me. Even though I don't really like writing I'm looking forward to developing a good technique and vocabulary. Another thing I'm rather concerned about is the discussion aspect. I'm pretty shy - shocker huh?- so talking in class and expressing how I feel is probably going to be an even bigger challenge than the writing!! Overall I'm really crazy excited about all the opportunities this class is going to create for me!!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the more you practice writing and feel confident with it, the more you will enjoy it. It's like anything else: once you get good at it, you tend to like it more! And definitely work on talking in class. I know you have a lot of "talkers" in class, but it will be really important to have people actually talk about what matters in class... and I am sure you will be one of those!
