Monday, December 5, 2011

Holy Moly!

I think?
I had to create a whole new blogger account because you can't do it through apparently?
I think thats what you're supposed to do...
Anyways now I can finally blog.
I just finished my essay.
What a relief!
And its 10:00...
Maybe I have a new bed time?
After all... I am a senior now :)

Leaves of Grass

So I was looking on a bookshelf in my house and I found Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  I looked up the poem Oh me! Oh Life!  I found that in the answer it says "That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse". The paper Ms. Stariha gave us says "That the powerful play goes on and you will contribute a verse". Will and may two way different things.  It changes the meaning.  You "will" makes it so that no matter what it is going to happen, while "may" means that you have the choice.  This makes me want to change everything in my essay for the third time. haha. I thought really hard about rewriting it.  But in the end, I decided to stick with what the sheet said that Ms. Stariha gave us and leave my essay alone. I just thought I would point this out to all of you(:

Progress of a pathetic paper

first paragraph out of the way! Its looking good so far. yes, I said good. what... is that a bad thing? Oh well, how ever long it takes!!

10:45 PM halfway through the second....

11:45 PM Last paragraph to go, fading fast...

Help! I Can't Conclude!

Please! Everybody help me discover how to write a conclusion! I have written for how many years and still struggle to bring it all together! Any hints? Tips? Ideas? I'm begging you all! The last thing my paper needs is a lame end!

Ya'll have let me down... I'm blogging two blogs in a row.