Sunday, March 25, 2012


well, i kindof just read the whole book on sparknotes, and i gotta say, its like an emotional nuke, its so happy and so sad at the same time.....

That awkward when you read "moment" even though it wasn't there.

Mind blown?
Yeah I know.
Mine was too.

that awkward moment when you cant find your pwb book;.. and youre sitting on it.

"I was shocked and frightened to see her flout Father's authority, but truthfully, I could feel something similar moving around in my own heart. For the first time in my life I doubted he judgement."

I really like the last line in this quote. I feel like growing up in America there are plenty of thing that we become orthodox to and dont question. But then as we mature, and we start to see the bigger picture, I feel as though we begin to question these once so simple things. I feel like these relizations are a key part to life...


So yesterday I was watching the movie XXX the one with Vin Diesel not Ice Cube and guess what! The beginning when he was stuck in the jungle with the drug cartel well that was the congo! Weird right and at this point I was also copying down quotes for the test tomorrow! look at all the little strings tying everything I do to everything else. :P
So I don't think I have blogged yet this week. Oops. Oh and I found this picture on tumblr that really really reminds me of 1984 and I want to post it. I know it was last try but oh well. When I find it I'm going to post it. haha

Rhetorical essay...

So I think I need to just accept the fact that I suck at writing or something because this essay is not coming together for me... lol I really really need to conference with Ms. Stariha, will someone please remind me tomorrow in class to sign up?


well i am about to go to my nice comfy bed and read poisonwood bible. i kinda wanna read it all because i'm far behind. but from what everyone is sounds super good.
i've just been way to busy with work lately so these next couple of months school needs to be more important than work.
well i found all three of my (and one of garretts) poisonwood bible books.
one was in my bed
one was in my black car
and one was in my new car.
ha well...
i'm tired. exhausted actually.
i really hope i don't fall asleep while i'm reading...

Bangala Poisonwood Bibile (Translation: Dearly Beloved Posionwood Bible) (aka Poisonwood Tree Poisonwood Bible)

Well I hope that title makes sense.
I was trying to say "Dearly Beloved Poisonwood Bible" but ya know how if you don't say it right in the Congo it can mean something esle?
So Bangala can mean dearly beloved or poisonwood tree...
Yeah yeah you get what I mean.

So anyway..
My dearly beloved Poisonwood Bible is a really good book and I enjoy reading it.
The only thing is I know that someone is going to die and that something really bad is going to happen and I don't want it too.
I'm a sucker for happy endings :(

So can you see my dillema?
I really like the book but I'm scared to keep reading.
I keep waiting for something bad to happen. :s

its cold

so im reallly sorry about all the typos in my posts its because i do all my blogging on my ipod and i mess up a lot lol but um yeaah im sad the weekends over and al i suck at titles for posts

school sucks

omg omg omg im soo happpy that we are almost on spring break like thats awesome!! im going to mexico and then when i come back i only pretty much have 6 weeks left of school .. dannnng .. i feel like i always announce this stufff but im just literallly always countig down in my head


i lovee quote cirl i think it reallly helpful to do that because we talk about what tey all meam in the larger sense of how it connects back to the main problem in the book and like makes you think more deeply into the words and if you write them all down you can easily have quotes to use for whatever essay :)


welll the snack circle was kinda a fail with all the people distracted with basketball the night before but hopefully we can try again sometime and maybe even get to go outside :) we shld all judt do it the like last week of school

The Week to Come

I really hope we're in for a low stress enjoyable week. If you think otherwise please don't say so and just let me encounter the suffering as it comes. Looking ahead I'm going to be really busy this week and I was out of town this weekend so I couldn't lessen the load. Now is the first time I've been able to work on this dang essay all weekend and I have no energy or desire to do it! Lately with all the talk of senioritis I've realized I'm often too busy to think about slacking off but I'm really feeling it with all this writing. I hate to see it happening but what can you do? Its hard to keep turning out essays. Maybe a wave of rejuvenation will hit me over spring break. I think we could all use a little more power to get through to the rest of the year.

What A Week!

That was a crazy week!
With basketball and all.
There was great weather and half days of school and due dates pushed back and classes outside and getting out of classes to send off sports teams and short softball practices.
Senioritis for sure!
Man I was in a great mood!
But now I really need to have things back to normal if I plan to finish this school year the right way.
I need to get focused again and what better way then to have a quiz tomorrow?
Good luck to you all!


I just remembered that I'm going to be gone from class on Friday. I dislike missing class very much so. I would almost say I hate it. Yeah. As excited as I am for spring break, I am very apprehensive about it.

This Rhetorical Analysis is bringing me back to my first days at Shelby...... When I first came here in 7th grade they didn't like the may I wrote, so they made me come in to Mrs. Wall, and later Mrs. Eliot and write things for them so that I would get better?? But neither of them ever told me what I was doing wrong or how to fix it.....So somehow their reading my stuff must have fixed whatever it was that sucked?? The only other kids that were in there with me were kids that didn't speak any English...and as far as I know they never got any instruction either...

But anyways...I feel as bad about this essay as I did about the ones I wrote during recess for the middle school teachers.....


Guess who just posted comments all by herself!! At her own house!!! THIS GIRL!

Im loving the PWB by the way. I thought I'd share my favorite quote that I have encountered so far in this book.
"I may be a preachers daughter, but I know a thing or two. And one of them is, when men want to kiss you they act like they are on the brink of something that is going to change the whole wide world."-Rachel Price

This made me laugh to no end!

boring essay

All I can say right now is this essay is an enormous pile of humdrum. Like it’s not interesting at all and I don’t know if I am putting it together right because of this predicament so this could be interesting. :/

Last Week

I just remembered that we have spring break next week! I am so excited. One thing I really need to work hard on is finishing strong because this nice weather has been very distracting lately. Also I thought I would mention the hunger games was awesome! I loved it! Today is a work day....PWB quest and essay due, good thing I am so sore I cant move from soccer yesterday. My ribs and legs feel like I got ran over by a buffalo lol. Emily I can only imagine how you feel today. You had some awesome games yesterday! I love my soccer goalie!!! happy studying to ya'll :)


I'm not exactly sure if my essay's coming out how it's supposed to:/ greeat..
I'm with Christian on this one; a few weeks ago he said that he can't write a paper unless the deadline is hovering right over his head. And now that deadline is hovering directly over mine like a cloud with too much water in it, my fingers are moving very quickly...and now whether or not they're forming the right words is another question, but they're moving at least!! Yay!!