Friday, January 13, 2012

So sorry but I have to say it

I hate to be the debby downer, and I'm sure there will be many who disagree with me and good for you because that means that you enjoyed your time but I just want to express my opinion. I just finished 1984.....and I hated it! It went on forever and there were only three big things that happened in the whole book! It took more effort to turn the page than it does for me to run for hours on end. I get that there are a lot of good "thinking" points through out the book but I couldn't stand it, I wanted to be open to it, and I wanted to like it more than anything but I just couldn't get into it. I got into the class discussions over it but I liked where we took the discussions and that it was actual dialogue. And I do not mean this as a complaint about the book I just wanted to state my opinion. But I can truthfully say that I am ridiculously happy that I am finished with this book, and I can't wait to start the next one. 

Dear Ms. Stariha

On my argumentative essay at the beginning you said "Use signal phrase to integrate source here" what does that mean?


I'm finally posting again(:

co-ed essay?

s0oo when are we going to talk about the next essay because i wanna get a head start already on the rough draft but i dont reallly know what its suppose to be like, and yes i know theres the links on the website but i like when mrs.stariha talks about it to get a better understanding and even some ideas of where i wanna start/go with the essay

snow day . or lack there of

welll i was reallly hoping for a snowday today but i guess that was a fail oh well i just heard mrs. kludy talking about a really hard feb so hopefully there are a lot of snow days then... schools just exhausting even though we have only been back for like 2 weeeks lol ohh welll i hoppe everyone got to school safe and gets home safe today! & has a good weeeknd


health care is a verryyy complex issue. and i think that jen and maddies group did a good job with the presention , it was reallly cute. (: and the youtube vidoe reallly helped for a basic understanding too ! i think im still against a universal health care plan just because i think that more government control just isnt a goood thing, this country started off under the pretense of not wanting government enforced/controlled life. and the government is already in so much of decisions and stuff i just dont think it would be a good idea. also the whole idea of health care is that people get equal and fair medical treatment but i think the flaw in this want is that life isnt fair and not everyone will be treated equal as much as people try because everyone is different and also by trying to treat everyone the same people just become a number not an idividual. idk just some of my thoughts on the issue.

quiz grade

welll , i think that i was content with the part of the quiz grade i got, um i sincerly think i have mental issues and always read things wrong.. im just gonna blame my dyslexia. lol but yeahh i think that book 2 quiz will be easy and we will alll do better (positive thinking) also i have some reading to catch up on before the quiz but im sure ill have time over the weeekend.

Health Care aka... money sucker

So I loved Jen, Maddie and Noah's presentation. It was so clear, and I felt as if the information was displayed stupendously. Health Care is kinda a money sucking system... (even though it really is a good thing, don't get me wrong) and that way it is kind of difficult to explain facts without making it sound bad. It is sorta like trying to explain Hitler by STRICTLY saying facts:

Hitler was the leader of what is now known as the Holocaust

Hitler was the mastermind behind the loss of somewhere between 11-17 million people

Roughly 6 million of those people were Jewish

Hitler is often said to have been responsible for his mothers death

Hitler wanted to help the world by creating a perfect race of blonde haired blue eyed Germans

If you were not a blue eyed blonde haired German you were in danger of being silenced.

He doesn't sound very good still. I tried not to use bias facts about him, but it is difficult if you are only referring to his work in the holocaust. This is why the whole Health Care presentation may have seemed bias. When in fact they truly just stated the facts.

Have a wonderful day.

Our Discussion Today!

So, I thought today's discussion went alright. I heard a lot of complaints about how we didn't cover that much information but we still went right to the end of the class with our presentation. We didn't have room to go more into depth. So as a note to the next careful about how much information you present. The time goes fast! I expected to have a lot more time to discuss the main question but we went right up until the end. Also, because I was more of an outsider to the discussion I would like to point out that 1) all the information we had the beginning of our presentation was purely facts, we made sure that didn't try to bias all the information at the beginning of our presentation because we were laying the background information foundation, i'm sorry if it came acoss as biased but it was all just facts from many different sources. 2) A lot of the things that were brought up in discussion as concerns for a universal health care plan are things that are happening right now. I just found that interesting.

SNow! :D

I'm so angry that that we didn't have a snow day today! I was so excited to get completely caught up in 1984.... but now I'm actually going to have to spend time over the weekend reading the chapters I haven't gotten around to reading. :/ oh well, my own stinkin fault for being so busy. lol But anyways, Good job jen maddie and noah on your presentation! I feel more knowledgable on the subject of health care now :) I still feel like we haven't had a seriously heated discussion yet though.... maybe it won't happen until a more passionate topic but still, I pictured the debate part of our controversial issues a little more intense.