Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Orwell's View on Society

In 1984, Orwell views society as a negative. Much of what he discusses is similar to what is going on in todays society as well. We depend so much on others and don't step up and take the initiative ourselves. We follow others in such a way that it becomes negative and unbeneficial. In the Oceania and in modern society the government has so much power that we let them control us in way we shouldn't allow. In Oceania everything seems ideal, no laws, family, and providing complete for everyone. But the flip side makes you change your mind on this state of mind. There may be no laws but that results in no guidelines or bouandries and anything could result in crime. Everyone may seem a sense of belonging, like a family but there is no trust/loyalty with one another. And even though you may be provided with everything needed it is of poor quality not giving any pleasure to them. Its hard to imagine living in a world with no laws but sometimes our government may gain to much power which is wrong too. This book so far shows the value of independence and not following everything everyone else does. Orwell is coming across negativly but I believe he is proving a point that we need to understand in present society.

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