Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Im really pumped this tri is almost over meaning we seniors have one left and we are off to bigger and better things...


Bet that tittle got your attention. But Stariha would you be a happier teacher more inclined to give some nice grades on that JGHG test, portfolios, synthesis essays, and those exam project if I brought you some cheese its? Just a thought but really if it will help I will!!! And I thought of all of this because I was eating an Oreo and thought of Mrs. Glerum. lol

The Trials and Tribulations of this Final Project

Well, mostly this a complaining post about how i hate technology sooo no one really needs to read this...

1. The files of our video were not compatible with windows movie maker so i had to use a new program that toooook forever annnnd
2. saved files in massive forms of 1.83 GB..too big for a CD or most of my flashdrives but I had an awesome 2 GB flashdrive I could use except.....
3. for some reason it got on write-protection mode and i couldn't get it off sooo....
4. I saved it in a different and smaller form and finalllllyyy got it on a flashdrive but now...
5. It won't play on any of the school computers sooo....
6. I am uploading it to youtube and IT BETTER WORK or i am going to be bringing my entire laptop into class tomorrow.

Kaitlin and better love me. hahahah just kidding. :p
...but really.

Freaking out about this final exam project..... what if she hates it


Exam Projects!

So with the test out of the way I am now excited to see the exam projects! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up! I'm a bit disappointed that I never got see the portfolio projects...I was looking for to seeing those too. But I think all the creative stuff will fun tomorrow.