Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Catching up, but still behind...

I've caught up on my reading for 1984, but I'm not real far along with my Op-Ed rough draft. I'm not really struggling, its just that I didn't really start it until yesterday evening during our snow day. I just wanted to know if its okay that we don't have all 750 words when we send in our draft by Friday since we are obviously going to be editing and revising it for the final draft. When that happens, there will be some information added and other parts deleted. If anyone has any ideas about the rule of the "length" for our rough draft, please comment. :) Thanks.

Almost Done!! :D

600 words down....150 to go!! Almost done with the rough draft of the op-ed essay! :)
Definently not to its perfection state yet but it sure does feel good to have it almost done!
Looking forward to fridays issue! :)


So the other English classes (Senior Composition and English 12) simply did their senior portfolios and handed them in. They did not present. And tons of people in our class are thinking about how they are going to present, but I am confused because I thought we were just handing them in.
So can someone explain exactly what we are doing with our portfolios?