Saturday, January 8, 2011

Controversial Issue Projects

Well I think that the first group did a good job on their project considering we all came back for tag. It was a good issue and I think everyone participated well. I hope that our project goes over as well. I've been working on it and the portfolio. This class is work!


Controversial Issue....

So, I missed the first controversial issue presentation. :( I wish I could have seen how it was set up and get some ideas from it. Good thing I will get a chance to see a few more before our group has to go. Our issue is on Animal Testing and I'm getting concerned. I'm worried that we wont have very much information or be able to back up the positives of the issue. I'm just waiting for that interesting question or statement thats going to spice up the whole thing.


I thought that the presentation went very good, i don't know how our group is going to be able to follow that but good job sarah p, sarah s, and ben


What a huge week!! Between work for college english and other classes I was buried! Thank you all for your posts about the Controversial Issues project!! Im so glad you enjoyed it! I know I enjoyed doing the research for it learning more about a subject I close to no information on. I'm really excited to watch the other presentations and learn more about other issues in our society!