Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Yeah it just made me think of Joe.


So today I really felt like I nailed the first essay. After thinking for a bit it hit me, and I was like, I GOT IT! I think that I might have broken that "barrier" that has kept me from writing as good as I can.

Thrice toasted bread, behold the loss of your hearing

For once I'm feeling confident on my test.  So far I really haven't hit a writers block.  I bet its bound to happen though.  Although, I think my chances of passing it are a little bit better than a fart's chance in a whirlwind.  As for the chance of an ice day tomorrow, I've got mixed emotions.  On one hand, there's the chance I'll be able to sleep in and then devote the day to finishing up some loose ends.  Plus, 3rd and 5th hour have projects for their exams.  On the opposite, the driving may be like running over a banana in mario kart if we do have school, but we'll have more time on the test.  Meh, such is life. 

I think I'm enjoying coming up with titles for my blog posts too much.  I got to remember to check how much butter is left, and check to see if the microwave is being used before making toast...

I was quite tempted to start headbanging during the One video.  It probably would've been awkward with only me doing it.

I didn't meant to publish that blank blog..... sorry

What I wasssss going to say was that I've been having day dreams that are actually nightmares (would that be called daymares?) about Stariha grading my stuff (portfolio, final exam, ect.) and hating it and just tearing it to pieces with her grading and stuff.... ITS TERRIBLE! I know I shouldn't freak out... But its not working... I'm a nervouse reck!


So my mom brought to my attention the other day that you (Stariha) gave me a 0 for blogging a couple weeks ago, which was the week that I got my wisdom teeth out (which I had a pre-plan and a doctor's note for). I just don't think I deserve a 0 if I had a note and pre-plan...

Lemony Snicket

“Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the crimes, follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would stay in our mother’s wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women.” ― Lemony Snicket

I love this quote. I feel like it relates to the book too. With the womb, and seeing what were getting into. But perhaps unlike Joe, it wouldn't be so bad to live in our minds. Seeing as at least I do that most of the time. Then again, I have arms, and legs, and a mouth, and well everything that he doesn't have.


By far the biggest assignment that is used just to make us do something. I how does this have anything to do with us graduating? and what is it teaching us? I do not know. BUUUTTTT now that it is over I do feel accomplished. Maybe that is the reason for it. To boost the moral of us students? So we could almost say that our portfolio is comparable to Lazarus? we have finally shot our portfolios off the fence of senior year and we all feel better now? Maybe but no one can be for sure.

(P.S)- the point of this blog was to complain but i guess i turned it into a very good analogy to the book....YAY ME!


Well i'm really not feeling this test today, if i fail....idk...ill probably be a little upset.


running on three hours of sleep:/ hoping for a good day:p lol