1. ms. stariha...i think we need a break off of this blog. people are getting really emotional.
2.garrett...stop commenting and writing so many posts. you don't get extra credit if you blog stupid stuff that doesn't matter. you're annoying me, a lot. ahh, whats new?
3. everyone else, can we PLEASE forget about the gays? it's not like anything we say is gonna change anyone else's opinions and we are just hurting other peoples feelings. LET IT GO ALREADY! :)
p.s...maybe garrett is right about the estrogen thing. you know, i once learned that when females are together, their periods start to coincide. so like if one girl starts hers, then another girl will, and then another girl will. i feel like that is happening in the classroom right now. and people are getting all sensitive and our bodies are going nuts. (just a theory...)
p.s.s the guys should give us a little break, it's not our fault.