Tuesday, February 7, 2012

we all need a break...

1. ms. stariha...i think we need a break off of this blog. people are getting really emotional.
2.garrett...stop commenting and writing so many posts. you don't get extra credit if you blog stupid stuff that doesn't matter. you're annoying me, a lot. ahh, whats new?
3. everyone else, can we PLEASE forget about the gays? it's not like anything we say is gonna change anyone else's opinions and we are just hurting other peoples feelings. LET IT GO ALREADY! :)
p.s...maybe garrett is right about the estrogen thing. you know, i once learned that when females are together, their periods start to coincide. so like if one girl starts hers, then another girl will, and then another girl will. i feel like that is happening in the classroom right now. and people are getting all sensitive and our bodies are going nuts. (just a theory...)
p.s.s the guys should give us a little break, it's not our fault.


So every day I grow more and more angery. This class is not good for ones health......with these arguments people are trying to cram their side down someones thoat......these arguments are not supposed to be conducted like this.....you cant controle how someone thinks....different oppinions are what makes this place to live in good.......if we were all the same it would suck......these arguments are made to make both sides known......if the person makes a conclusion that they were wrong thats great but dont force it agree to disagree

My Quote

My quote is from pg. 95. "A guy could stand a lot when he was awake. But when sleep came he deserved to forget everything. Sleep should be like death." I like this quote because it serves to show the suffering that Joe had to endure. He wanted to escape reality but couldnt find release even in sleep. All Joe wanted to do was to escape from the repercussions of war and the hellish nightmare that he had endured. War is not a glorious thing, it is a malicious, hard reality that people have nightmares about for the rest of their lives. Joe wanted to forget and slip into oblivion but could not.

also, watch this video, because it is pure awesomeness....

instead of arguing about gay rights, read this post, it has been proven to make you happier and enjoy your life much more.


Safe place? (sorry for this venting post.)

So I hardly ever talking during controversial issues because I feel that my beliefs and how I was raised is a lot different from everyone else, and since I feel so strongly about gay rights I would post about it. But after being "attacked" (no I don't really mean attacked I just cant think of the word I want to use) for something that I didn't even say, I don't want to speak out in class. I'm not close with anyone in the class. Sure there are people that I talk to day to day but they aren't a best friend. It's hard for me to open up with what my beliefs are because sometimes I'm not really sure what they even are and when someone throws back my beliefs in my face, it hurts. Point is, I'm venting, I found Laura's post really unnecessary.

I Wrote This For Everyone To Read (even though not all, if any, actually do)

Didn't want to make my title any longer but at the end of it...I want to say it's the thought that counts.Well...I am sucking on a lemon drop and trying to figure out exactly what to say. Here Goes... ( The Tone is not mean or strict...just informative. =D )
This isn't written to anyone particular, just everyone. I didn't write this on one person's behalf, I just want to stop things before they get out of hand, in a sense.
I think that everyone in this class has a right to state their beliefs and or strong feelings on a subject. But...I also think that this should be done in a mature manner so that nobody is attacking anyone else. I know some people who have gotten offended by posts and no longer feel like they are able to be open because they felt like their openness got shoved back in their face. I'm sure there are a couple of others who probably feel the same way. I want everyone to be able to express their feelings and thoughts in order to have a constructive conversation or argument...constructive argument. I don't think that it's constructive to push anyone's view on anyone else. We should all be respectful enough to keep insults to ourselves and to write or speak effectively. I just wanted to tell everyone that because I think it's important to not hurt other feelings and to listen to them as well. =)
Hope no one took offense!!! <3

This is my "who cares" post...

OK seriously, can we just end this debate about gays? i don't know about anyone else but I've given up caring, it doesn't matter, people will be gay no matter what we think, and this whole debate is just turning into a "oh gay people can love, now i'm going to get really emotional about it and hate anyone who says they cant", so i say we just move on and quit arguing about it....

alright, my last one i think.

Portoflio Editing for Tomorrow READ READ READ

Please have access electronically to all of your academic and life skills for tomorrows workshop session in the lab.  SPREAD THE WORD PLEASE!!!! and thank you.

haha, alright. i don't support. i just think this is funny

this is neil patrick harris and his partner, they have been together for 8 years. look at this and tell me that gay people can't have loving, happy families.