Sunday, January 29, 2012


I just don't know whats wrong with me right now, I think I'm having one of those freak out days where I don't think I can do anything ... cause I can't. I have so much stuff to do for this class along with a bunch in all my other classes. Then there's all that stuff I'm suppose to have done for college that isn't done and so many decisions to make. All my other classes to pass with a good grade and its all so stressful and frustrating! Ahh I don't know and among other things me failing that 1984 test didn't help either. I need time ... and a new brain and everything will be better!! someone please come up with some room you can put me into so I can stop time and get everything done!! PLEASE!:(

Another Complainy Post

This post will be like everyone else's put together.
The test was realllly long and stressful and I had four minutes to eat lunch and it put me in a really bad mood.
Blah blah blah.
Everyone agress with me.

P.s. Good job Hannah, Cara, and Megan on your discussion!

fear essays

i finally read those fear essays that we discussed on Tuesday when i wasnt here and i yeah i defiantly see the connection to 1984 and how the government today uses fear to keep us in line and under control, ahhh its a scarrry world out there.. uhh also anyone interested in these types of conspiracys should defiantly look up illuminati , just saying its real. lol


im glad to be done with 1984 though i was getting kinda bored with that book, when are we suppose to start the next one? the johnny got his gun or something like that, jen told me its boring and it dows look pretty boring ughhh ! oh welll, i think thats the last book for this trimester righttt?

1984 test

the 1984 test wasnt so bad, i heard a lot of complaints about the length and stuff but i kinda expected it.. i mean brit lit and the other quizzes were about the same length.. i didnt write as much as maritza fricken 14 pages lol coughcough overachiever lol jk maritza but yeah just hopefully i got all the points that mrs.stariha wanted and get a goood grade because thats 2 like big grades right in a row with my contraversial issue too..