Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oceania Implications for Society

What does Orwell's description of Oceanian society imply about his view of humanity?


  1. Orwell see's humanity as easiliy controlled. In the book he describes how goldstein is the enemy, but nobody even knows if he is alive anymore, this shows that if the goverment(in this case the party)gives us something to hate, something to justify their actions then we are at their mercy. Most of the citizens of oceanian truely believe that they have good lives and even winston doesn't remember if life had ever been better.

  2. actually i think i agree with Eric on this one everyone is kind of brain washed by what the government to believe that goldstein is the enemy, but later in the book i bet that hes one of the men that stood against what is going on in the book now.

  3. I think Orwell views humanity as a farce. Thats it so easy to manipulate almost anybody can do it as long as they have a large amount of people backing them up. He views humanity as spiraling downward and people not standing up for what they beleive in and letting themselves be pushed around.

  4. In Oceania it seems as if everyone is afraid to think for themselves. Theres a person "Big Brother" whom everyone must listen to and beleive in because he is in control. Everyone does what "Big Brother" say to do,and no one will break the rules. There's fear in everyone, to think, to write, to seems as if they never feel safe, or that they have rights

  5. Well this is only a comment, and i cant write anything yet but anyways.

    Orwell was probably pretty scared during the time he was writing this. The war just ended and everything was shot. So alot of what Orwell wrote was somewhat true, he probably though that he was being watched and observed, he was parinoid. He must of though that the government had to much power, and he feared it, Im mean the was was ended with Nuclear Explosions i would be frightened also.

  6. Who is Big Brother? (Big Bro too.) Is he really watching... does he really exist? Does it matter? Think about that.

  7. I think its about how the government is always watching you. kind of like the patriot act under the bush adminsitration. Big brother is always watching!
