Sunday, May 6, 2012

A matter of days.

I think it is finally hitting me that we are graduating... And it is so soon!! All of this hard work we are putting into this class will pay off! And we will be able to enjoy our summer, carefree of any hard schoolwork. Well for the majority of us anyway haha dang it...


I have to write a speech for graduation and want some ideas of what to incorporate into my paper. I wanted some general input from fellow seniors of what you guys feel is important. So if you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks :)


This narrative has been a really big eye opener for me because it has made me look into myself for the theme that I am doing and really think about my reasons. I love writing it though because it is a totally personal piece and I can use my whole voice without having to worry about incorporating any outside sources.


So im not sure what to think about this book.. I feel like its theme and purpose aren't as clear as the other two books which is really frustrating for me. The other day in class though when Ms. Stariha made the three lists and we pointed out different aspects of each book really,REALLY helped me. Not only with better understanding their eyes were watching God but with getting insight on the other books too.

Freak Out Moment

Just realized that the AP Lit test is this Thursday, the AP Bio test is next Monday, and the AP Lang test is next Wednesday. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Holy Crap!!!!! So much stuff in the next two weeks I fell like my brain will explode!!

this weekend

This is the funnest weekend that I have had in a long time. Prom was soooooo much fun. My feet hurt today from dancing so much! I love that feeling. When we went to look for someplace to eat with JR, Abby, Porter, and Jesse everything was full so we ended up eating at Bob Evans lol! Haha it was fun, that was a memory lol. Today I had to go to Church because my sister was getting confirmed. The whole service my dad kept poking me to keep me awake because I could not even keep my eyes open. I really dont remember any of the service lol. Oh well.


I really enjoy the bluest eye. Its so interesting to me to see the correlation between the suppression of this time and still the racial tension we have today. The part in the bluest eye where she wants to rip apart little white girls really got to me, but the more I thought about it, the more I dont blame her. If there was something that had such a huge effect in my life, that it dictated the way people treated me, I would have anger against it as well. It just saddens me that a little girl, an innocent little girl, has to struggle with such mature feelings.


Soo I'm not sure how this first quiz went... The main thing I struggled with was making a concrete decision on how I wanted to answer the question. Because the questions were so broad, I had a really hard time making up my mind. Eventually it all came together though, so I hope it will all work out.

my week

So I really enjoyed writing my narrative essay. Not going to lie though, it kinda made me really bitter about my hair though. haha, I guess you dont really think how much something defines you until you think about it. I honestly think my life would be a lot different if I had straight, I know that probably sounds really trivial but its true. But anyways, I really enjoyed prom, but it kinda was a huge distraction from getting any more work done on my research paper. So this week that is what my main priorites are going to be, research paper and beating hart in soccer. That is the only two things that are going to be on my mind this week.

The Woods

So I played a really awesome game of capture the flag the night before prom in the woods. It was super fun. unfortunately, I cut up my face/arms/legs really badly...the night before prom. Thankfully with some creative makeup choices my grandma (for those of you who don't know is WAY to involved in my life haha) didn't see the cuts on my face of anything! It was good luck! But I learned: if we want to go camping in the woods, (mock service project etc) we need to bring Dylan Ankney. That kid is a boss. no wait...hes a ninja...or maybe he's freaking Rambo. I bet he could out hunt Leah from the PWB with no trouble at all.


So, in a few weeks it will be 10 yrs since some pretty big stuff in my life. It doesn't seen that long, but it does if you think about the fact that I'm only 17 and 10 years is over half my life. I think about how different I am now in comparison to then and how different I am just in comparison to last year. It's really weird to think about.

Global Impact Group:

I hope you guys had a good prom weekend!
This is a reminder that I need write-ups for our presentation no later than Wednesday. Preferably by tomorrow. seriously. Also, abstracts and summarys need to be sent to Megan so she can make our handout.


Dear Ms. Stariha,

It is now two weeks until our senior project is due and I still haven't conducted an interview. The problem is not from lack of trying, it's from lack of responses. No one seems willing to help me. The only response I have gotten decided not to reply in order to set up a time (even though I have sent 3 emails explaining that I need the interview as part of my second draft of my paper and I would like to set up the interview asap).
Also, I haven't heard of ANYONE in our class who has found someone to interview. I would like to propose that you make the interview optional. With a topic such as education, expert interviews would be easier to find due to the broader topic ranges. However, consumerism and our specific sub topics fall into a narrower spectrum of experts creating a difficult situation for us.  Also, our letters were graded on completion- NOT on the responses we received. I believe our interviews should be the same way. We have no control over how others choose to respond to our many pleas for help. This is why I believe we should be graded on our attempts to find an interview and NOT if an interview takes place.
I understand that an interview is extremely important to our paper and our research. Trust me, I would love some more information on how food dumping is a product of our consumerist society! However, at the moment, the prospect of finding a suitable and helpful interview is growing dim. Please consider this proposal.

Most Sincerely,
Your Desperate College English Student,