Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well I came on this blog tonight expecting to see a bunch of in depth blogs and different peoples thoughts on the book and stuff, like the brit lit kids blogs that we were showed... but luckily enought our blogs havent changed too much! Woo hoo! I guess they're a little better, we dont talk about our daily lives as much. I didnt read very many though. But its all good. I dont really get the ol' annotated bibliography thing but i no my lovely teacher will help me. The book is great. Its been real. Peace.


I guess I fell a little bit behind in the reading, but I just finished the part about the funeral, and I became rather mad when I read that Nathan was baptizing the kids in the rain. I even wrote on a sticky note, "NATHAN FRICKEN BAPTIZES THE CHILDREN!" because I was so bothered by it. He just lost his own kid, and all he could do about it was baptize kids that have no idea what baptizing means?!

Senior Project Paper

Today, after I church I came home and was excited to research my topic. I came to realize though, that Its hard to research the problem of school substance abuse and education without finding out about people's kids dying for taking drugs /: I can tell that the researching part of the paper is going to be the if you guys know of any tips or suggestions and narrowing my research to what i need it would be greatly appreciated. thanks. (:

Feeling pretty good!

I decided to form all of my questions today for my interview and my letters. I have not finished my annotated bibliography yet, but now that I have my ten questions formed, I can separate each question into a different category to research. If I do this, I will have way more then 10 sources, but like Mrs. Stariha said, I don't have to use them all. If anyone is stuck on finding sources, I would suggest forming your ten questions first, it helps a lot!

So much to do....

Well i've been doing a bit of research for our senior project.. so far it's going alright. I just hope i'm getting the right information. I've been trying to figure out who I should interview for my research paper.. my topic is drop outs so if anybody has any ideas feel free to let me know... I really enjoyed our discussion friday about the Poisonwood Bible even though i had not read that far at the time.. I can see how Nathan can resemble America because of how he is very self centered in his goal to spread Christianity among the Congolese. America is similar because we are only involved with the Congo for our own interest, which at the time was for rubber, copper, and diamonds.

Cool Video to get you guys thinking about EDUCATION!

This video may help spark some ideas for some of you... or it may inspire you to solve all of your country's educational issues!

Anxiety, Frustration, and Confusion

I've been sitting at my computer researching for my SP topic--Sequential Grade Strucutre--and I am having absolutely no luck. I made the folders to organize my research, but sadly I have found nothing to put in those folders....HELP!!!!!!!!!!

The Last Word

So at the end of class on Friday, the last thing we talked about was (very briefly) how The Poisonwood Bible is connected to 1984 and Johnny Got His Gun. I suddenly figured out how each of them are based on the government controlling what we do and what we know in our lives. Its interesting how different authors can have the same central theme yet very different means of getting to it. We had one book portray it through a society where it was obvious that there was government control, one where it was through the disasters and hardships of war, and now one that is hidden amongst missionaries in Africa!! They each seem like such different story lines from each other, but when we dig deep into them, they are the same message at the very middle. I'm guessing if we did that more often in literature, we could find numerous trains of books that are all similar in theme.

Reflections on Nathan=America

When the idea of nathan being a symbol for america and more specifically the american goverment I was quite intrigued. The thought had never occured to me before but know that I think about it i can see the connection. One other thing that i realized was that there are parallels in the way that nathan treats his family and the way the american people are treated by the goverment. First off Nathan has an estranged relationship with his family, he hardly takes the time to get to know them as people and views them as inferior. I find this suprisingly similiar to our relationship with our goverment, i would best describe our relationship with our goverment as estranged at best. Although we know the names of our politicians we hardly now them as people and thats goes both ways. The only time that I see politicans reaching out to the public is when they are campaigning. Another thing i find similair is the way that nathan ignores the opinions of his family and when they have contradicting views he silences them. This is parallel to how our country is supposely run by the people but ultimately our decisions are made by the people in DC, and politicans have a history of going back on their word and betraying the trust of the people. Also our goverment has a history of silencing people who oppose them a fine example would be Lumumba from PWB he had contradicting views and the goverment just got rid of him.

Falling Behind

Well i finally caught up in my reading so thats great, and today i am going to look for research and that great stuff, i suposse i will have to ask mrs stariha for help with all my questions and things of that nature.

Books Books Books

I absolutly ADORE the Poisonwood Bible!! This book is SOO good! I feel like there is so much to learn from it, so many connections to make to America today. It was really interesting at the end of class friday when we dsicovered the connections in themes from 1984, Johnny Got His Gun and The Poisonwood Bible! But anyway, I love the way the book is a mix of true history and fiction. For me this makes the book even more real and connectable toable...because thats totally a word... The only thing about the history being real is realizing that our country had a part in it. A country that preaches Democracy and power to the people worked to destroy that in another nation just because those in power thought it would threaten their power. It makes me sad to think that our country, along with others, tortured and killed a father, a leader, and a man with great ideas on many different things. It kind of makes our country look cowardly..."lets just destroy the threats before anything comes of them"...its frusterating and sad but never going to stop...>:(

SO much Work to do!

Ugh this assignment is killing me. But im doing my research and getting it done. I have some sources and Im looking for primary ones. I dont know if we were supposed to read more this weekend or not? But Im thinking this project is more important. Jake and I were thinking and wondering about the survey. We can't remember if it was that we were supposed to make 10, 20 question surveys or if we were supposed to make 20 ten question surveys? Good luck everyone with the project!