Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Senior Portfolio

I'm kinda excited about making our senior portfolios... I love making things like this, a chance to be creative and show a different side of yourself. Whether its serious, creative or maybe both. I cant wait for it to be put together and all set to go. :)


Well, here I am just sitting in the computer lab. Don't have alot to do, so i figured I might as well make a post and maybe get some extra credit. Got some solid work done on our Controversial Issue. And now I'm just waiting to have the little conference with Ms. K. Considering the time, I dont think that'll happen today.


It's my 18th b-day tomorrow! :)


Siting in the the computer lab is pretty boring, my paper is going good i just have to find some more info and polish it up a bit. I want to say good luck to the group presenting this week.

Life Skills

Has anyone started working on their life skills for their portfolio? They are do Monday!! Hopefully it won't be to bad!


So I totally did my rough draft last minute (though I thought it was decent), and now I'm actually taking my time with it and I think that in the end it will turn out really good. I've been spending this class time rewriting and my paper seems really different. I basically took out most of my information and filled it with new information that I've been researching.


At first the essay confused me a lot. I wasnt really sure waht I was supposed to be doing especially with the poems. I think that most people were confused about this assignment also. I like that fact that we can turn rough drafts in and get feedback because that helps alot. A lot of us have discussed the essay and I think we all understand it better now. I still dont quite understand footnotes but people have helped me so im starting to understand it better. Life skills are due far I have two done. I am having fun with the Portfolio project!

Blogging, eh?

So I'm sitting in the computer lab waiting for my confrence with Ms. K. I'd be fixing my essay but it was done on Word 2007, and sadly our computer lab has Word 2003. So I'm spending my time getting other homework done; like for my Criminology and Political Science courses (they aren't as boring as they sound).

I'm pretty nervouse about my essay since I've never written a paper like that before, nor do I plan on doing it again for fun ;)

Well I'm going to get back to my Law and reading mylifeisaverage :)

Animal Testing

Sydney, Kristen, and I have Animal Testing for our controversial issue....hoping that everything is going to turn out ok!
Our issue isn't as big of an issue as gay rights or abortion so we're hoping that it stirs up some conversation and debate....
Hope it all goes well!! :D
and good luck to everyone else yet to present!

Controversial Issue

I am very nervous about our groups controversial issue over the legalization of marijuana. I feel like there is so much information that everyone could learn but don't know what exactly is the most important. I think our group has everything figured out but again, there is so much information on this one topic. Ialso kind of found it hard to do a project on this issue because of the fact that I didn't know any information prior to this project. Hopefully it all goes good and hopefully everyone expresses their opinions about the legalization of marijuana.


I was pretty scared about this Op-Ed essay at first. But, after talking to others in the class, and Ms. K I feel much better about it. I like the oppurtunity we have of turning in rough drafts, that way we can make our essays, the best! I think that the conferences we are going to have with Ms. K about our essays will also help us. (:


I am very discouraged about my op-ed essay. Its a lot harder then I thought it would be! I have a lot of ideas about how to support my side, but it is hard to find a balance between having lots of supportive facts, and keeping my paper organized. I hope this essay turns out better then I think it will!

The Op-Ed

I'm really glad we got to turn in a rough draft for our op-eds. My rough draft is a REALLY rough draft.. meaning that it is pretty bad. At least we have until next week to turn in so there's plenty of time for improvement. And to add to that my group gets to present friday!!!


OK so for those of you who already know me.... still read this and if you don't know me there's something you should now about me... I'm a Service Learning Fanatic!!! :) Just this past weekend i attended a retreat for the 2011 LEAGUE Michigan student committee, and i had a Blast with my 10 other Fanatics. Anyways even though i was having an amazingly fun time..... I was very upset, the whole weekend I was hearing about teachers and students that work together to make a change in their community's. Like I talked to teachers who do service in their class room as part of the curriculum, I understand that that doing curriculum work is hard but I thought teachers became teachers to help students realize their potential. Potential is something LEAGUE has helped me realize more than any "TEACHER" ever has. The fact that the Teachers from Sault Area HS, Pickney Middle School, Romulus HS, MS, and E and not to mention the close to 400 other schools across Michigan who Volunteer to go to a training similar in Grand Rapids for a weekend during their summer vacation to create a curriculum (that still meets State Standards by the way) that helps inspire students that a math problem can be used to help people in poverty, and that's when it really hit me.... i want every teacher in Shelby School District to haft to have their curriculum totally remastered, by LEAGUE MICHIGAN. I hope our Teachers at Shelby Public Schools read this Post and weep. B/C I thought SHELBY was SUPPOSED to be one of the Best Educations Around. but obviously our Teachers, Administrators and other Staff, are far to worried about about their union income and benefits before what benefits the students.... so i leave you with this.... A teacher should not teach an opinion on how the world is, but how to change the world.

A Sad, Sad Day

Yesterday, I fell terribly ill--near death, probably. I slept from 10pm Monday night until 6am this morning. I only woke up to throw up, and to totally destroy Christopher at Battleship. I haven't eaten anything since dinner on Monday--not good--because my body won't let me eat. In the past 36 hours, I have taken in about a half a glass of water and a half a bottle of Powerade and that's it. It's hard to walk because my body feels so weak. I should have stayed home from school today, but I don't want to use any more sick days.

The sad part is that I was more worried about missing the 1984 discussion in class yesterday than I was worried about getting better! I'm disappointed that I wasn't there, so hopefully I didn't miss much.

Nothing 2 Do...

Right now I am in College English. Ms. K is right behind me!!! I do not have my op-ed essay with me because I didn't know I was supposed to bring it on a flash drive to class. I would have known, except I was gone at A.Y.F. yesterday, so now I don't have anything to do. I think I'll just rewrite it right now. This is my blog for the week!.... Feels good to have this done with!