Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Problem With My Opinion

So I'm actually pretty excited about this new essay. It's short, not cited, and based on opinions (which I have a lot of). The problem (other than procrastination) is that I know the general argument of my opinion but when it comes down to brutal facts have nothing to point to. This is a combination of my fault and my topics fault. I rarely catch the evening news but then again when my subject involves criticizing the media I can't exact rely on that source anyways. So despite not needing actually research I had to do research anyways. Boo.

I'm going insane.

These past two days off school made me realize something, I have senioritis really really REALLY bad. They need to make medication for stuff like this. I might just go crazy... o_O

Op Ed Revisions

So, I had a pretty good rough draft done for whenever it's due, but then I decided to revise it to something a little bit more recent and popular, and I think that it fits perfectly into what this essay is about. I'll give a hint as to the subject, *cough* internet *cough*


So I am really bored so I am sitting on the blog. Isn't that sad? I think that officially makes me a


Where is the op-ed stuff on Stariha's website? I can't find it to save my life.


You should get on facebook and email me your cell phone number...
Unless you don't mind giving it on here...
But I have some confidential controversial information for you...


So who is assigned tomorrow's discussion?  I don't have my paperwork at home on this second snow day... and I am hoping that tomorrow's group is still planning on doing their discussion tomorrow.  Help me out guys... anyone who reads this try to make sure tomorrow's group is identified and informed!  It's really hard to reschedule those...
Ms S