Sunday, December 18, 2011


So here is my post about our history.
I had never thought about it until now.

And now that I think about it there is no doubt in my mind that history has been altered and fabricated.
It makes me kind of sad too.
Everything is kind of a lie. (Like not that dramatically but you know what I'm sayin')
Everybody views everything differently so of course things are going to be a little modified.


I know that this is a little late but oh well I wanted to put my two sense in about history. History is the combination of viewpoints that has been handed down through the years through mouth, paper, inscriptions and so forth. There is not a doubt in my mind that history has been altered through out time to suit the purpose of the victor or significant persons in charge. Never once do you hear about the common people who were the back bone of society. They are the figures and numbers in modern day text books. Today, our trust in the past relies solely on the trust we have of professors and scholars who compose the books we read. In some capacity we lose what really happened. By the way, what truly is history? What is the true version?

I want a Sloth for Christmas.

I have decided that no longer are Hedgehogs the cutest thing's the sloth.
This is the best thing ever...they are soo cute!