Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Is Orwell's Oceanian Society Related to OUR Futures and Society?

George Orwell's view of a 1984 and futuristic society is revealed through his writing. Oceania is a society in Orwell's book that appears as nothing but a place of "rotting nineteenth-century houses . . . windows patched with cardboard," and other dark and filthy figures filling Winston's mind and life. In the story, Winston Smith stands for all people in society who know that things are not the way they should be. Life has changed so drastically over many years - to this strange community that should not be - that no one realizes how unorthodox they and their "people" truly are. Nobody is really a friend of any other, nor does anyone care. There is no individual personality or reasons behind actions that one may make, but rather it is just a pattern the society follows.
These first couple chapters have uncovered some of Orwell's ideas about how he felt society and even humanity itself would evolve and change dramatically over the years. There is more information to uncover and I can't wait to get further into the reading and start to see more of Orwell's views and feelings he had towards his future and the future of "society".


  1. I can't wait to read more as well.
    I'm glad our society hasn't reached that state of disaster yet...

  2. Me too... I hope it NEVER does... Well, if it does, hopefully I'll be dead by then. :)

  3. You did a good job of describing this society. If I hadn't read the book I'll already have a good understanding from your blog... Good job! :)
