Monday, April 18, 2011

Pictures of Harper and Willa

Okay... this isn't really pertaining to class, but if you want to see some current photos we had taken of the girls, check out the following link: Portraits of Harper and Willa

PWB & Senior Project

So, I'm catching up in my reading for the Posionwood Bible (and yes I'm actually reading, not spark noting) and I'm glad to see that Rachel is finally maturing...somewhat... And I also think t he way Kingsolver connects with the reader, especially with the whole death of Ruth May, is amazing. I felt like I was right there, watching her family slowly deteriate. And kudos to Oreleanna for finally leaving Nathan!!! That made me so happy. This senior project is definatly stressing me out though. There's alot of stuff to do, and it seems like such little time. Anyone else feeling this same way??
Because I am an older sister to two younger siblings, I couldn't help being emotionally disturbed by the imagery painted in the particular section pertaining to Ruth May's death. Death in general is a very hard thing to cope with and can often times leave you questioning why and how something like this could ever happen to someone you know and love. Because Ruth May was a daughter, sister, friend and so young and innocent, it was so hard for the Price family to even comprehend what had happened (well, most of the family). As usual, Nathan could only focus on the fact that Ruth May had not been baptized yet, and she would be one of the lost souls (among many many others). I find it very interesting that death was what finally made the family realize that they are no different than the Congolese. No better and no worse. Because of Ruth May's death, the family was just like the other families in the Congo, as almost every family experienced the death of a child at one point or another. I'm interested to see what Orleanna will do next as I read further into the next book, and I'm wondering what else will change with the family because of this tradgic event.

Poisonwood Bible

The more I am reading, I am finding that it is becoming more intense. I thought at first that things that were happening at the beginning weren't going to change everything but now I am realizing that all of the stuff that happened earlier is describing what is happening now. Orleanna has changed so much within this section. The Bel and the Serpent has changed the whole story now with Ruth May gone. This has really brought a very emotional side out in the book. It also brought me to relate the section with actual happenings, whether they are personal or just things that are happening around me. I like that Rachel is finally changing and I cant wait to see what is going to happen next!


ok so ive been reasearching all weekend and i seriously cant find anything... so ms.s expectme to talk to you today lol... any who as for the book im lke interested but slightly disinterested now idk if its all the other work on top of reading or what but this isstressingme out!