Monday, January 17, 2011


I'm really worried about the quiz. I didn't do as well as I wanted to last time and being a day after the quiz was supposed to be this time, I'm afraid that I'm going to forget something important. I have a hard time remembering important things that happen in books, even though I have almost every page annoteded in my copy with sticky notes.
I liked this quiz alot better than the previous one. I liked the reformatted questions alot better too, I felt that I actually knew what it was asking and could find the textual evidence in the book.

Book 2 Quiz.

On todays quiz I felt like I improved alot since the last quiz. I felt I was able to answer the question in plenty of time and with plenty of detail! hope I did well!! :/

Senior Portfolio Anyone?

I'm posting my blog for this website right? And then BAM! The website says "Error". Well lets try post number two! I'm sitting in Mrs. Felt's computer lab, it's really noisy with an entire class of freshmen in here. I'm thinking about what to do for my portfolio, it'd be alot easier to present it in a powerpoint but i'm not quite sure how to put the information I've typed out onto a powerpoint format. I really want to get ahead on this project now.

The quiz today was alot easier than last weeks I thought, but it still fried my brain. I definatly thought it was ironic that the old man in 1984 (Mr. Charrington) was a member of the thought police! No one ever suspected him. Well I should probably get going to do my resume! happy reading! :)
The clock is ticking and I feel more stressed about my groups controversial issue. I wanted to say good job to the boys over their Immigration issue. I also am very stressed because I was looking over the due dates for our other papers and I feel like I won't have enough time to finish everything but only if I wait and procrastinate. Getting started early if definetly the way to go.


Well, I bought stuff for my senior portfolio this weekend and its getting me really excited to get into it more. Thinking of things to back me up for my op-ed essay. Oh joy. :)