Friday, May 13, 2011

Personal Narrative

"When I look closer into the empty auditorium I see the vague faces of loved ones.
Some stand out boldly in the front row, as others fade in the back.
My mothers smile becomes a spotlight shinning on her daughters bold movements..."

This personal narrative was such a great way for me to let out my emotions freely!
I have realized so much throughout my years and am so excited for my new stage of life!
I feel this is a writing assignment where we can take control of the paper and not let the paper take over us.
I am excite to hear every ones creative writings!
And the peer editing today was such a help, my group really took it seriously and it became very effective in each of our papers.
THANKS nora and becca!

Personal Narrative

I really enjoyed going over our Personal Narratives in class with a small group. I felt like my group was very understanding and did not judge what I had to say. I felt bad for breaking down while reading but my story about my father is very emotional for me. I really do want to share what I wrote but I do not want people to think my stories are boring and not necessary because each part of the diary entry I wrote is an event that is a memory that I will never forget. Becca and Bethany definitely made me feel less scared to actually share my story with others. I want people to understand the reason why I am the way that I am. Hopefully many people decide to share and we are able to get to know our senior classmates even better.

Personal Narratives

I really liked editing each others personal narratives in class today. It gave us a chance to understand someone Else's life a little better. And it really makes you realize that our senior
year is almost over, and we may never see some of these people again. Four years goes by so fast, I never thought it would fly by as quick as it has.