Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let's try this again, shall we?

I want to go on record that my last post was going to be killer. However, technology was not my friend that evening. The epic battle between man (or in this case, woman) and machine became more than I was able to endure. It probably didn't help that I was trying to post from my Evo and not from an actual computer. It seemed like a great idea until it failed miserably.

The other day I returned home after school to a terribly ill younger brother. He was pathetically lying on our leather sofa looking near death. Out of his weak vocal chords I heard a request. A request? For me? What could I do to save him from this illness? He wanted a taste of mango. So, being the amazingly wonderful big sister, I accepted his challenge. As many know, mangoes are a beast to peel and de-pit. Cautioning him to eat with care, I served the delicious fruit to him in a bowl that was more of a plate than a bowl. But the serving dish didn't matter. All that mattered was the fruit being served.

Out of concern, I did not want my poor sibling to eat himself to death, so I took it upon myself to consume half of his nourishment. It was well earned for the trouble peeling it caused me. Sitting on the davenport on the other side of the living room, I was deeply thinking while chewing the heaven of a fruit that I took from the plate-like bowl in front of me.

What I was thinking about is not particularly important. In a way, it is. But it does not benefit my purpose here. My mind wondering, my taste buds dancing, and my ears cowering from the terrible sound coming from the black box at the center of our living room (many might call this a "television," however I like to refer to it as "the annoyance"), my thoughts eventually stumbled upon the classes I will be persisting through this trimester. My attention was mainly brought to my future in College English.

Having just receiving my borrowed copy of 1984, I was considering opening the cover and unleashing the magic within, but the mango still rejoiced in my mouth to the point of turning my brain into a cornucopia of different ideas. Suddenly, my phone sang. A text message? O! how I rely on my phone to connect me with the world outside of my own! But, wait! An idea! My eyes wandered from the book, to my phone, back to the book, and finally to my phone again.

"THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT!" my thoughts screamed at me, "but, my phone is not an iphone, so that phrase does not fit." I marveled at my idea for the next few moments, all while attempting to conjure up a phrase for my Evo and its "apps." Having absolutely no luck with the last portion, my idea was fool-proof! Pressing the power button to awaken the wizard within, my phone rose from the land of the dead.

Navigating the home screen was no problem for my nimble fingers. I pressed the icon that read "Market" in hopes that I was not to be made, indeed, a fool. My idea had to work. It just had to!

"The search bar on the top!" My mind was racing with the same thought over and over and over again. Typing with fingers twitching with excitement was more difficult that I was expecting, but I conquered it with ease.

"Do I really want to press 'enter'? Yes, I do." So I did. And with much success, it was there! Pressing download, my heart raced. Beating at what felt like a million miles a minute, I was sure the muscle would skip at least one or two.

10%. 30%. 60%. 90%. 100%! It has been downloaded! My heart leaped with joy!

But, what was the name of the app? I can't find it in the app menu. Had I forgotten possibly the most important part of the task at hand? Ah! There it is!

1984 had been downloaded to my phone with hardly a second thought.


  1. Ok, this is a SUPER long post, but it's worth the read! :)

  2. I can tell that you will definitely do great in this class! You're an exquisite writer..and you made me keep reading!

  3. What a voice! Ha Ha... you make me laugh out loud. So did you have to pay to download it???

  4. very nice story! i like the descriptive words that you used :)
