Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Johnny got his gun!!!!

We are only 5 chapters into the book but i thought that i'd post my thoughts about it. I feel that the book doesn't sugar coat what acctually happens in war. This results in a story that is very tragic and i feel that it is only going to get worst as it goes along

Controversial Issue!

So, my groups controversial issue is fast approaching (next week!) and I as starting to get nervous! I know that we will be prepared, but I hope the class participates in the discussion questions that we provide! Since our topic is on Abortion, I hope this creates a heated debate! Don't forget class to feel free to share your personal opinions.... please!!!!!!


Out of popular request (and the requirement), I'm going to post my free write on "Particular events"

Don't run through life, stop to smell the flowers.  Don't get credits, live the jokes in Calc. and games of dodgeball.  Remember the lyrics and message, not the singer or show.

As you die/pass on, you are left with your memoires, and if your memoires are achievments, not stories, then you did not have one life to live and wasted a life.  You will not be remebered, your life is of no significance when your dead and you've touched no one.

Embrace your journey to the end, don't abuse it.

I thought this free write turned out pretty well...well...well enough to post.
What do you guys think?  Is your life about the flowers or the path?

The Particular Thing

Here is my free-write for today. I didn't want to share in class because it seemed irrelevant to what we were talking about:

"I know that there must be some sort of significance in the 'particular thing' because otherwise we wouldn't be writing about it. However, i don't see what the significance is. He says that it is something that sticks with you but doesn't have a reason to stick with you.

I'm not sure what a 'particular thing' to me is. I guess it could be music (because we are listening to it right now). I love all kinds of music and i get rediculously distracted by it sometimes. My love of music stays with me, but it draws away from things. I don't like music with lyrics because it limits the power of it. Without lyrics, it could be saying anthing; with lyrics, it's confined to mean what the words are.

There are times when I'm watching movies and the music tells the story way better than the video and script can. That way, everyone can kind of make their own version of what happened instead of what some director wants to happen.

I probably should go back to the 'particular thing' that I am supposed to be writing about. i think that Joe's 'particular thing' with the phone is more than a phone. It's a symbol of something more, I just don't know what it is."

114 Days...

So this is really random, but it's been stuck in my head for the past couple of days: the topic of Graduation. 114 days left, including weekends and breaks, untill Graduation. I honestly can not wait. I just got my post card in the mail about picking our caps and gowns up in March. I'm so anxious, I want June 3rd to come really quick! Okay, ranting is over with.

Reading through Johnny Got His Gun seems waaaay more interesting than 1984. Don't get me wrong, I like the political aspect and rebelling against the government, but it was a boring read. JGHG is more in depth with emotions, and War is a topic that is hitting home for a lot of people these days. I like how the story jumps back and forth between time periods because it keeps you, as the reader, engaged in what is being said. Hopefully the book only gets better from here!

P.S: Come see the Varsity Competitive Cheer team today @ our home meet tonite @ 6! :)