Saturday, December 11, 2010

My rough draft is very...rough.

Sorry, no entertaining short story this time.

However, I have been struggling with inspiration for my argument essay. I picked a topic that I like. I have a pretty interesting introduction paragraph (yes, paragraph) and my thesis paragraph is fairly good. My first two paragraphs are at least 6 or so sentences each, the third is about 3, and it just goes downhill fromt there. I don't know if it's just because I don't know the topic well enough, or if it's because I used all my creativity already and my brain is just overly worked. Anybody have some tips?

I found that listening to some soothing music (like Enya or George Winston) helps me to think. Silence bothers me sometimes so I don't like to write with aboslutely nothing in the background.


  1. I know how you feel... I'm freaking out and I haven't even started my paper yet. I'm assuming you know, so can you answer this question for me?... I'm just wondering if we are supposed to pick a topic that we AGREE with and then research and write about it, or if we are supposed to pick a topic and take a side (AGREEING or DISAGREEING with the topic) in our writing. Can you please let me know?...

  2. I'm under the idea that we are supposed to pick one that we are interested in and take whichever side it suggests. Like, for mine, I'm writing about the one that says "People are overly dependent on technology." Honestly, I really do think they are, so I would have chosen that side anyways, but I think we are supposed to take the side that the topic suggests. So, probably pick one that you agree with and argue why you would agree with it, but without saying "I agree with this because..." or anything like that.

  3. Thanks. After I sent this comment, I looked up the description of what we are supposed to do and it sounded like you could pick whatever topic and a side based on how you feel about it. I was just worried because I picked a topic I want to write about, but I disagree with it. So, another question, we don't use "I" or "my" or anything like that? Or do we? The sample MLA writing on that owl website is confusing me...

  4. You can use first person in this argument paper Chelsea... for more formal papers, you can not. In response to your writer's block Taylor try to simply free write about your third paragraph topic. Or brainstorm key words related to your third paragraph or topic in general and then free write about some of those... this always helps me. Another suggestion: dialogue with somebody about what you are trying to say in your third point... a parent, sibling, friend... preferably somebody who will give intelligent responses!

  5. I totally agree with you! I felt the same exact way when I started writing my argument essay. I felt like this essay was more difficult than the Whitman essay but I still don't know how well or bad I did on that one. I agreed with my topic, but when I started looking up information, I found many disagreed with it.
