Sunday, May 8, 2011

Oh my...

Well... The Color Purple is nothing like i thought it would be but its a GREAT book!! Its kind of rought but the point made in class is true. The rough parts arnt there to be gross or in your face they're there to make you think and to set up certain ideas and characters. The first scene in the book illustrated how women in that time were seen as objects, just something to use and then discard no matter what shape they're in. It was a really startling way to begin the story but at the same time it makes you think and draws you into the story of this poor girl from the very beginning!

Senior Project

I was so glad to finally have the rough draft done. I was so scared that i wasn't going to be able to make it 5-7 pages long but luckily it ended up being like 11 pages. I am hoping that the revision will help and hopefully this will be one of the best papers I have ever written. The conferencing has been helping me a lot and I am really thankful for that time.

Rough Draft

I thought that I was going to have a hard time typing up the minimum of 5 or 7 pages but it actually wasn't hard. What I am having a hard time doing is adding in transitions in between each new paragraph when adding a new topic that goes along with my thesis. I wasn't able to revise both of my peers papers and didn't do it over the weekend because like I've said I don't have internet. I was able to read some of the comments my peers gave me on the paper and it did help me. My paper is also pretty long which makes me kind of scared because others papers are about 7 or 8 pages.

peer editing :))

Fridays class time of peer editing eachothers papers really helped me!
Being able to go over our peers papers looking for corrections made me realize what I needed to fix on my paper as well to make it complete.
Even though I felt bad marking peoples papers up I know it will help them in the end.
The more advise people can give..the better!
And turing in multiple rough drafts is the way to go...helps so much to make your paper as close to perfect as possible!

A Wedding, Prom, and College English... :)

So on Saturday, I had so much to do. I went and got my hair done at 12:30 because my cousin's wedding took place at 3:00. By the time the wedding was over, there would have been no possible way for me to get my hair done and get together with friends before prom. So, it really worked out because that way I looked good for the wedding as well. My sister Kaylee and I sang the song "Here" by Rascal Flatts in the wedding upon my cousin's request. I'm really glad I got to do so because I felt really honored and happy to share that moment with her and her husband.
Then there was prom. I'm really glad I got to get together with so many people to take pictures and go out to eat because it made it that much more of an enjoyable night. Even though I'm not really close with some of the people that went with us, I'm really glad it turned out the way it did. I definitely will never forget the wonderful night I had (even though right now I feel as if I will never recover because I am so tired).
As of my college english duties, I didn't have time to do any work on my paper, but I know that I will have more time this week to do so. I am actually looking forward to the narrative paper we are writing because we get be ourselves and choose what we want to write about that has personally touched our lives. I really want to do good on this short paper as well as the research paper, so I hope they don't interfere with each other too much.

Sorry Stariha

I know you hate when we post on this like it is facebook..... But PROM is the exception! Last night was awsome, the group was so big it was sweet. I think we owned senior prom. But the book is a different one. Ive been reading and it is not my thing. It is a tear jerker. (too sad for me) but maybe it'll end good?
Last night was awesome and I am so tired right now, but I think I figured out how to organize my research paper and that makes me feel much better!!! But yeah prom was fricken sweet, had a great time.


So my blog has nothing to do with my title, except for from was fantastic last night. Anywho I am only doing this post is because my sister had the computer on besides that I am not going to do any research this weekend!! HAHA UHM I also dont have to read because I am on page 140 oh yeah!!


I love and hate research papers all at the same time. They are soooo intensive and time consuming that its as if they will never end. They also take a lot of dedication to apply yourself when you don't want to (which is what I do). But I love getting down deep into a topic and learning so much about it. There's huge amounts of details and parts of merit pay that I never thought about or knew before I started researaching it! Just to spend time thinking on one thing, its amazing what you will find out.
I finally got my interview done with this weekend and I learned quite a bit just from someone else's viewpoint. I talked to a professor at Michigan State University who teaches Children's Literature. She gave me answers that surprised me and backed up research I've already discovered! The amount of ideas in our world constantly catches me off guard, and hearing from just one other person outside Shelby can do that.