Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Orwell See's What We Can Not

Orwell was, as it seems, to be a very disturbed man. Even the best people are little troubled. He sees society as a dreadful place to be, a place where it is so perfect it is wrong. Within his writing there is (depending how you look at it) a positive and negative aspect of it. His views are negative because they are of unfortunate events happening to people, and what people have become. But they are positive because they open our eyes, to see how our society is so much like his fictional one. His thoughts make our heads spin, retaining new information that we most likely would never think about. He sees society as confining and manipulative. His character, Winston, he writes about aches to escape; to remember his old life with his family. Maybe this is how Orwell felt. He wanted to get away from his reality, so he started a fictional one of his own. Maybe he saw something coming that we still can't see?

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